Already Accepted?

Congratulations, here's what to do next:

Let Us Know

Congratulations on your admission to MSU!  If you have made your college choice, please let us know. If you have decided to come to MSU, we look forward to seeing you! If not, we wish you all the best in your future musical endeavors. Either way, please help us plan by responding to your admissions offers in your admissions portal.  See beow for specific details about accepting or declining an offer of admission.

Admitted Undergraduate Applicants

  • Declining admission on the Supplemental Music Application will result in your music admission and any music scholarship, to be canceled.  This action WILL NOT cancel your admission to Michigan State University.  You will also retain any academic scholarships offered.
  • Declining admission on the First-Year or Transfer Application will eventually result in the College of Music Application being canceled.  If you wish to decline in this manner, we ask that you decline both applications.
  • Accepting the offer of admission through the First-Year or Transfer Application will secure your spot at MSU and requires a deposit.  If you plan to accept the offer of admission, you must accept this offer by the advertized deadline (May 1).  Failure to deposit by that date will result in your application being irrevokably canceled.
  • Accepting the offer of admission through the Supplemental Music Application is not binding and does not require a deposit.  It also does not secure your place in MSU.
  • If you have been offered a music scholarship, you must accept that offer separately.  Accepting an offer of music scholarship does not automatically secure your place at MSU.  You must also deposit.

Admitted Graduate Applicants

  • Declining admission on either the Graduate Application or College of Music Supplemental Application will eventually result in both applications being canceled.  If you wish to decline in this manner, we ask that you decline both applications.
  • Accepting the offer of admission on the Graduate Application will not automatically result in your College of Music Supplemental Application being accepted, and visa versa.  We ask that you accept on both.
  • No deposits are required on either application.
  • If you have been offered a music funding package, you must accept that offer separately.  Accepting the funding offer does not result in accepting admission.  You must also do that as instructed above.

Need help?  Just ask!


Connect With Us

Learn more about the College of Music by liking our Facebook page at
You can also subscribe to receive the latest on our music news and events.

Follow This Essential Information

  • Attention, all accepted freshmen: Please review MSU's website for Admitted Freshman.  There are a number of steps outlined here, and some must be completed by May 1st.
  • Ensembles: Ensemble audition information will be posted here in July. Learn more about our ensembles and performance opportunities.
  • Learn more about our programs, including degree requirements, be sure to visit the Areas and Studios section of this website.

New Undergraduate Student Orientation

More specific information about orientation will be emailed to deposited students in May.  Music Orientation dates are below.  Please be sure you have registered for one of the dates.

  • June 11th- virtual

  • June 13th - In Person

  • June 14th - In Person

  • June 17th- In Person

  • June 20th Virtual

  • June 24th _In Person

  • June 26th Virtual

  • July 2nd - Virtual

New Graduate Student Orientation

The Graduate Music Office will be in touch with you directly regarding important dates and registration.

Contact Us

College of Music
Michigan State University
149 Music Building
East Lansing, MI 48824-1043

Phone: (517) 355-2140
Fax: (517) 432-8209