How to Give



Show your support for the College of Music by making your gift through Michigan State University's secure online gift processing system. This is an easy, fast, and safe way to give to the College of Music programs of your choice. 

By Phone or Mail

Call (517) 353-9872.

You may mail a check payable to Michigan State University to:

College of Music Advancement
Michigan State University
333 W. Circle Drive
East Lansing, MI 48824-1005

  • Be sure to include the name of the fund you wish to support on the memo line of your check.
  • Email questions to Advancement staff at

Gifts of Securities

Gifts of securities can be made easily through your broker, who can transfer shares electronically to the university. MSU has accounts with multiple brokerage firms. Please contact University Development at (517) 884-1024 or (517) 884-1000 to obtain the necessary information to complete a stock gift, whether an electronic (wire) transfer or a gift of an actual certificate(s).

In-Kind Gift of Musical Instrument or Musical Goods

If you are interested in giving an in-kind gift of a musical instrument or other musical goods, please consider the following in your decision-making process.

What is the intention behind your gift?
Student and intermediate quality instruments are typically welcomed for our Community Music Schools in East Lansing and Detroit; however, they will need to be instruments built by major luthiers and manufacturers.

We accept pianos, band and orchestral instruments, and some other string instruments such as guitars and ukuleles. Currently, we are unable to accept organs. Physical audio recordings, recording technology, and musical scores are accepted on a case-by-case basis. 


Major brands of instruments we will consider include, but are not limited to, Steinway, Yamaha, Baldwin, Mason & Hamlin, Kawai, Bösendorfer, Bechstein, Fazoli, Bluthner, Conn-Selmer group, Buffet, Keilwerth, Vito-LeBlanc, Buescher, Yanagisawa, Getzen, Holton, Schilke, Miraphone, Schreiber, Kohlert, Adler, Mönnig, Püchner, Fox, Loree, Howarth, Patricola, Jupiter, Azumi, Amadeus, Trevor James, DiZhao, Gemeinhardt, Pearl, or similar well-respected major manufacturers. Instruments built by regional makers or those that are no longer in business will not be accepted. Please include the serial number and model when documenting your gift.

Physical Condition. 

To ensure a gifted musical instrument may be utilized at the College of Music or Community Music Schools, we will only accept instruments that are in playable condition. This includes an inspection by our piano technicians and respective performance faculty. Instruments and musical goods must be free of cracks, wood rot, oxidation, ivory, insect damage, warping, and lingering odors.

Value of Gift. 

All gifts that have a financial value of more than $5,000 must be appraised and documented in a tax form as required by the IRS. All gifts that have a financial value below $5,000 are not required to be documented by the IRS. This requires formal appraisal of goods by an appraiser not affiliated with Michigan State University. Please reach out to your local music stores to connect with an appraiser in your region. Please submit MSU's GIFT IN KIND VALUATION AND INTENT FORM with applicable documentaion.


Photograph the instrument or musical goods so that we may gain a perspective of the gift’s physical condition, to better help connect you to resources to consider giving to as well if the gift in question may receive greater potential of continued use or enjoyment.

All documents need to be filled out by the donor. Please send photographic documentation of the intended gift(s), the Valuation & Intent form, and a certified appraisal to Please complete the IRS Form 8283 for your own records. Click here for IRS Form 8283 instructions.


The College of Music is dedicated to helping you define and execute your charitable intentions in the most efficient manner possible for you, your heirs, and MSU. By including charitable giving strategies in your comprehensive estate plan, you can fulfill philanthropic goals, reduce income taxes, avoid capital gains and estate taxes, retain a life income, increase spendable income, and/or reduce the cost of estate settlement, all while enjoying the satisfaction of knowing that you’ve provided significant future financial support for the College of Music designated precisely in accordance with your wishes. Planned gifts can take many forms, including charitable bequests, gifts of retirement plan assets, gifts of new or existing whole-life insurance policies, and a variety of trusts and gift annuities.

For more information, please visit MSU's Office of Development at