
MSU College of Music and Community Music School are offering students the opportunity to learn to play MSU's 49-bell carillon in Beaumont Tower, on either a credit or not-for-credit basis.

Our carillon is a fully mechanical, touch sensitive keyboard instrument played with the hands and feet and is one of only several hundred of its kind.

Are you...

  • a current or former student musician (yes, childhood piano lessons count!) who is looking for a musical activity at MSU?
  • someone who wishes to connect to the university community and contribute to the "soundtrack" of campus?
  • someone with an interest in rare or unusual musical instruments?
  • a person who enjoys developing their advanced physical coordination skills?
  • someone with musical experience (can read bass and treble clef) in any major, music or otherwise? 

Then you are welcome to participate! Interested students should contact University Carillonist Jon Lehrer at lehrerjo@msu.edu for more information.