DEIB Events

Students, faculty and staff of the MSU College of Music are invited to participate in workshops and listenting sessions to learn more about the University’s initiative to create a more diverse and inclusive teaching and learning environment.


Examining Implicit Bias. A series of workshops designed to examine implicit bias and begin the work of interrupting personal and embedded biases within our culture.

Listening Sessions

Exploring Diversity. Join us, offer your perspective, and listen to others as together we discover the many ways we can build unity and understanding through music, culture, and beyond.

Working groups led by students, staff and faculty have devised strategies for listening and learning sessions that are designed to build upon MSU’s overarching vision of a diverse and inclusive university.

Joint Studios

A master class featuring artists from various cultural backgrounds and disciplines bringing together Jazz and Classical studios.

Event Schedule

Click here to view upcoming events and activities.

Click here to view previous events and activities.