Health and Safety Policies and Procedures

COVID-19 Health and Safety Protocols

Please visit the "COVID Updates" section of the website for detailed information about health and safety protocols.

General Guidelines

In order to establish and nurture a climate of musical health promotion:

  • All college personnel are encouraged to follow good musical health guidelines as posted on the Musical Health and Wellness web page. 
  • Students are encouraged to discuss musical health concerns with faculty involved (e.g., applied teachers, ensemble conductors). Faculty members serve as the "first line of defense."
  • Faculty should include musicians’ wellness information within course syllabus. Example language (PDF)
  • It is recommended that any rehearsal in which College of Music personnel participate have a break of at least 5 minutes for each hour.  Time used for changing music, personnel, etc. may be counted as part of this break.
  • It is recommended that at the end of the semester, students shall be allowed, if requested, to have one day between a final ensemble performance and their jury performance. 

Facilities and Equipment

  • Foam ear protection for use in all rehearsal and practice venues will be available in the Dean's assistant's office. Musician Earplugs are available for a fee of $14 (exact cash or personal check only).
  • Instruments and equipment supplied by the College of Music for student and faculty use shall fit the musician as ergonomically as possible (e.g., chairs, supports for large instruments such as contrabassoon, etc.).

Wellness Education and Information

  • Information on musical health will be widely available for all students, faculty, and staff on the Musical Health and Wellness webpage.  The College of Music Health and Safety Policies and Procedures will be posted on this site together with the NASM advisories on musical health with a link to internal resources provided by the MSU College of Music .
  • It is recommended that syllabi contain the one-paragraph statement (posted on the Musical Health and Wellness page) about the importance of musical health with a link to the NASM health advisories which provide more detailed information.
  • It is recommended that ensemble directors discuss hearing conservation with their students at the first rehearsal of the year, per NASM recommendation.

In Case of Injury

  • Anyone with musical health concerns should see an appropriate healthcare specialist.  The members of the College of Music Health and Wellness steering committee are available to help find and expedite access to community health resources.
  • Students who experience music-related disorders will be excused from lessons and ensembles as deemed necessary by authorized medical personnel.
  • Students who experience music-related disabilities that require further accommodations will obtain a VISA from the Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities.

Approved by MSU College of Music faculty May 7, 2015, edits completed July 8, 2022.