COVID Health and Safety Measures

Revised January 5, 2022

The College of Music follows Michigan State University directives designed for wellness and safety in response to the current state of the COVID-19 infections in the state of Michigan and Ingham County. All students, staff, and faculty must be fully vaccinated and wear appropriate face covering indoors. Please refer to MSU's Together We Will web site for the latest university-wide directives and FAQs.

Protocols for Classes, Lessons, Personal Practice, Rehearsals, and Performances

  • Face coverings must be worn indoors for all classes, lessons, rehearsals, and performances.
  • In lessons, rehearsals, and performances, woodwind and brass players will wear face coverings but may remove them when playing. During extended rests and tacit sections, face coverings should be in use.
  • Spacing in large and small ensemble rehearsals will be normal except for wind players who will be distanced at least by 3 feet. Instructors may request greater distancing. 
  • Brass players will use bell covers as appropriate. 
  • Brass players will use appropriate pads when emptying valves in classes, lessons, personal practice, rehearsals, and performance.
  • Vocalists must wear face coverings during all choral rehearsals and opera rehearsals as well as in other classes where singing is required. They will be distanced by at least three feet. Instructors may request greater distancing.
  • Protocols for choral and opera performances including face coverings and distancing will be determined based on conditions near the time of the performance.
  • Vocalists and wind players may sing or play without face coverings in lessons with all others in that space wearing face coverings.
  • Conductors and ensemble coaches are not required to wear face coverings if they are six or more feet away from the ensemble members they are rehearsing or coaching ensembles.  
  • In practice rooms with single occupancy, face coverings will not be required.
  • Cleaning protocols will continue in all practice rooms, classrooms, rehearsal rooms, and performance venues with special attention to shared instruments such as pianos and percussion.
  • During rehearsals and performances, there is not a face covering requirement for an individual alone on stage. If an individual is performing with a pianist, the pianist must wear a face covering and must be at least six feet away. A soloist with a large ensemble may perform without a face covering assuming a distance of at least 6 feet from the ensemble whose members are appropriately wearing face coverings.
  • Audience for recitals and concerts will not be restricted in size; face coverings and proof of vaccination or negative COVID test is required.
  • If a performing musician has an authorized vaccine exemption, they must wear a face covering and maintain a minimum distance of 6 feet from others in all situations where they are playing or singing, including personal practice.   

Protocols for Eating and Drinking

  • Face coverings must be worn by everyone indoors on the MSU campus.
  • MSU makes an exception if you are eating and/or drinking inside.
  • Prolonged periods of face covering removal are not permitted for eating or drinking. As with airline protocol, masks must be worn between bites and sips.
  • Eating and drinking is safest outside.