
Revised May 4, 2021


The College of Music of Michigan State University is a community of musicians dedicated to the understanding, creation, teaching, and performance of music. The College assumes, as its primary obligations to the University and the community, these responsibilities:

  1. To establish and to maintain standards for the admission, advising, and graduation of music students.
  2. To establish and maintain high standards for the instruction of music students and to encourage the development of effective instructional methods.
  3. To establish and maintain standards for the public performance of music under the auspices of the College of Music.
  4. To encourage creative activity in the form of music performance, composition, and scholarly research and publication by the students and faculty of the College of Music.
  5. To assist music students in finding employment within their professional areas and to maintain the quality of training necessary to meet the highest professional standards. 
  6. To contribute to the understanding by the community at large of the role and importance of music in the broad spectrum of cultural, social, educational, therapeutic, and spiritual experiences.


1.1 Composition of the faculty

1.1.1 The tenure system faculty of the College of Music shall consist of all persons appointed full-time under the rules of tenure and holding the rank of professor, associate professor, or assistant professor.

1.1.2 The fixed-term faculty of the College of Music shall consist of all persons holding the rank of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, or instructor, but not appointed under the rules of tenure.

1.1.3 Visiting Professors and Professors Emeritus shall be honorary faculty and will have voice but not vote.

1.1.4 The voting faculty shall consist of all tenure system faculty, and fixed-term faculty appointed at least 50% time. Tenure system faculty who have a reduced load of less than 50% shall not be considered part of the voting faculty. Tenure system faculty whose load is less than 50% in the College of Music may be made a member of the voting faculty upon the request of the Dean or the appropriate Area Chair, and with the approval of the College Advisory Committee in consultation with the appropriate Area Chair. Full time faculty in the Community Music School are not considered voting members of the faculty of the College of Music. Faculty may vote internally and externally. External voting refers to all matters concerned with university issues and representation of the College of Music. Internal voting refers to all college-level issues and representation. A faculty member jointly appointed in the College of Music and one or more units in the University outside the College may vote externally as a representative of the College of Music only if the faculty member’s primary appointment is in the College of Music. A jointly-appointed faculty member may serve as a College of Music representative on a University committee, but may not serve concurrently as a representative of another college on that University committee.

1.1.5 The Faculty of the College of Music shall be divided for purposes of election to standing committees as follows: For the Undergraduate and Graduate Committees:

  • Performance (Brass & Percussion; Conducting; Jazz; Piano; Strings; Vocal Arts; and Woodwinds);
  • Music Education and Historical Musicology & Ethnomusicology;
  • Composition and Music Theory. For the Advisory Committee:

  • Performance: Brass  & Percussion; Conducting; Jazz; Piano; Strings; Vocal Arts; and Woodwinds);
  • Academic (Composition, Music Education, Historical Musicology & Ethnomusicology, and Music Theory).

1.2 Student Constituency of the College of Music

1.2.1 The student constituency of the College of Music for the purpose of selecting student representatives to the Student Advisory Council and the standing committees shall be all students who have declared with the registrar a major or major preference (in the case of lower division students) in an academic or professional degree program in the College of Music. A person who has enrolled for three consecutive semesters may retain student status for one semester when not enrolled if the person has not been awarded a degree, enrolled as a degree candidate at another college or university, or been withdrawn or recessed by the University.

1.2.2 Those students who are enrolled in graduate non-degree programs or are candidates for graduate degrees or graduate-professional degrees shall be deemed graduate students.

1.2.3 All other students shall be deemed undergraduate students.

1.3 Student participation in academic governance

1.3.1 The Student Advisory Council The Student Advisory Council shall draw up a Constitution which will, upon ratification by a majority vote of the faculty, become part of the College of Music Bylaws’ Procedure Document. The Constitution shall include a general description of the Student Advisory Council and its purpose, and shall deal with membership, officers and their duties, committees, meetings, elections, suspension/expulsion, and provision for amendment. The Student Advisory Council shall be responsible for student representation in the academic governance of the College of Music. The Student Advisory Council shall elect representatives to standing committees of the College of Music as follows: one undergraduate and one graduate student representative to the Advisory Committee, two graduate student representatives to the Graduate Committee, and two undergraduate representatives to the Undergraduate  Committee. All members of the student constituency, including the representatives to the Student Advisory Council, shall be eligible to serve as representatives to the College of Music standing committees. Elected representatives to the College of Music standing committees shall serve for a term of one year and shall be eligible to serve for no more than three consecutive terms. In case of a vacancy in student representation to a College of Music standing committee for the duration of at least one academic semester, the Student Advisory Council shall elect a replacement. Student participation in the College of Music Undergraduate and Graduate committees shall in all cases be in the same mode as the faculty participation, except as reserved. The matters reserved to the faculty are: Policy concerning salary, leaves, insurance, retirement, and fringe benefits of faculty. Decisions concerning the appointment, salary, reappointment, promotion, tenure, discipline, or dismissal of individual faculty members. Evidence from students regarding the teaching performance of faculty shall be considered in decisions concerning the above matters. Decisions concerning the awarding of grants to faculty members. Matters affecting the professional responsibility of the faculty to establish and maintain the intellectual authority of the University. Student representation and mode of participation on ad hoc committees shall be determined by the College Dean and the Committee concerned. The Student Advisory Council shall represent the student constituency and shall consult the Dean of the College of Music regarding any matters of concern that are not reserved to the faculty or under the jurisdiction of the standing committees.

1.4 Modes of Participation
There are four modes of faculty and student participation identified for us in Academic Governance:

1.4.1 Consultation
A body of faculty and/or students discusses with and informs the administrator with authority and responsibility for decision. Such a committee is not a deliberative body; there is no vote. Rather, the members express their views to inform an administrator’s decision.

1.4.2 Advisory
A deliberative body of faculty and/or students recommends policies to an administrator who is authorized to make decisions. The administrator is not bound by the recommendation and accepts responsibility for the decision.

1.4.3 Shared Responsibility
A deliberative body of faculty and/or students makes recommendations to an administrator authorized to make decisions. If the administrator and deliberative body cannot agree and action must be taken, the recommendations of the administrator and the deliberative body will be submitted in writing to the next higher administrative level for resolution.

1.4.4 Delegated Authority
A deliberative body of faculty and/or students is authorized to make decisions on specified matters. Such decisions are subject to administrative review, but will be altered only in exceptional circumstances.


2.1 Frequency

2.1.1 The Faculty shall meet at least once each semester, except the summer semester, at a time determined by the Dean of the College. Additional meetings may be called by the Dean or the Advisory Committee or by petition to the Dean  by 10 percent or more of the voting faculty.

2.2 Announcement

2.2.1 A written notice and agenda shall be sent to each faculty member at least one week prior to the meeting.

2.3 Conduct of Meetings

2.3.1 The Dean of the College of Music or the Dean’s designee shall preside at all faculty meetings.

2.3.2 A quorum shall consist of 50 percent of the eligible voting faculty members not on leave at the time of the meeting.

2.3.3 Conduct of business shall follow the revised Robert’s Rules of Order, except as modified by vote of the Faculty.

2.3.4 The presiding Dean shall direct the election of a Secretary/Parliamentarian and an Elections Officer for three-year terms (see MSU College of Music Elections Procedures) from the faculty at the   faculty election meeting in the spring semester when their terms expire. Persons serving as Dean, Associate Dean, or Chairperson of the Advisory Committee shall not be eligible to serve as Secretary/Parliamentarian or Elections Officer.

2.3.5 Action may be taken by a majority vote whenever a quorum is present, except in cases requiring more than a simple majority.  Before a vote is taken, any eligible voting faculty member may request that a secret ballot be used. At the request of a simple majority of the eligible voting faculty before a vote
is called on an agenda item, a mail ballot will be taken. If a quorum is not present, a written mail ballot will be taken at the request of a simple majority of the members present. The Elections Officer shall provide the faculty with mail ballots, accompanied by the minutes of the meeting, within one week of the meeting and shall set a deadline for the return of the ballots. A motion shall be considered to be passed if it is approved by a majority of those voting.

2.3.6 The Advisory Committee and the Dean shall set the agenda for each faculty meeting (section Items may be placed on the written agenda of meetings by the Dean, the Standing Committees, or by request of any member of the voting faculty to the Dean or the Advisory Committee.

2.3.7 The Secretary/Parlimentarian shall provide to the faculty copies of the draft minutes of the faculty meeting within one week following the meeting.

3.1 The chief administrative officer of the College of Music is the Dean.

3.1.1 The voting faculty of the College shall have shared responsibility with the Provost or designee to determine procedures for the selection of the Dean. Hiring and selection procedures must conform to University policies.

3.1.2 Faculty and students of the College of Music shall consult with and advise the Provost in the nomination of a Dean.

3.1.3 Faculty and students of the College of Music shall consult with the Dean in the appointment and reappointment of Associate Deans.

3.1.4 The Dean is responsible to the Provost or designee for the educational, research, service, and performance programs of the College of Music. This responsibility includes budgetary matters, physical facilities, and personnel matters in his or her jurisdiction, taking into account the advisory procedures of the College. The Dean and the voting members of the faculty share in the responsibility to ensure that a policy of nondiscrimination on the basis of  race,  color, gender, gender identity, disability status, height, marital status, national origin, political persuasion, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status, weight, or age be in effect with regard to these matters. The Dean designates an individual to assume the administrative responsibilities of the College in his/her absence.

3.1.5 The Dean of the College of Music shall be subject to regular review by the Provost or designee at intervals not to exceed five years. A request for a review may be made at any time to the Office of the Provost or designee by the College Advisory Committee upon the vote of two-thirds of the faculty. There is no limit, other than the limit imposed by the University rules on retirement from administrative positions, on the number of times an individual may be continued in the position of Dean. At any time during the term of office, the appointment of the Dean may be terminated either by resignation or by action of the Board of Trustees upon recommendation of the President and the Provost. The College Advisory Committee shall have shared responsibility with the Office of the Provost to determine procedures for the review of the Dean. All review procedures must conform to the policies of the University.

3.1.6 The Dean shall participate in academic governance as part of administrative responsibility. The Dean shall inform faculty and students of administration policies through the academic governance system as well as other channels he or she deems appropriate. The Dean shall receive the views of faculty and students through the academic governance system and through consultation with interested faculty members and students in determining policies and in advising other administrators of the University. The Dean shall comply with the University Bylaws for Academic Governance and with these Bylaws. The Dean shall assist and encourage the efficient and effective operation of academic governance. The selection of administrative appointees shall be the responsibility of the Dean who shall receive the views of the faculty and students through the academic governance system. The Dean shall consult with the College Advisory Committee concerning the appointment of replacement of administrative appointees. Associate Deans shall be reviewed at intervals not to exceed five years. It is the shared responsibility of the Dean and College Advisory Committee to determine procedures for review of the Associate Deans.

3.2 Other Administrative Officers

3.2.1 The Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies and Operations shall have responsibility for undergraduate student affairs, for involving faculty in areas of undergraduate education and for contributing to the growth and development of the undergraduate program. This individual coordinates and directs numerous operational issues for the College of Music. Specific responsibilities shall be negotiated and agreed upon by the Associate Dean and the Dean of the College.

3.2.2 The Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research shall have responsibility for graduate student affairs, for involving faculty in areas of graduate education, and for contributing to the growth and development of the graduate program. Specific responsibilities shall be negotiated and agreed upon by the Associate Dean and the Dean of the College.   

3.2.3 The Associate Dean for Outreach and Engagement shall have responsibility to provide broad leadership for College of Music (including Community Music School) outreach and engagement for the benefit of individuals and communities served through faculty and students; further develop instructional services and programs on-site and offsite; lead development efforts to provide funding for expanded services and access to CMS; provide leadership in the development and reporting of outreach scholarship; represent COM in the development of collaborations with partners on- and off-campus. Specific responsibilities shall be negotiated and agreed upon by the Associate Dean and the Dean of the College. 

3.2.4 The Director of Admissions and Student Services shall be appointed by the Dean and have responsibility for managing the Admissions and Student Services Office, coordinating the overall recruitment and enrollment strategies of the College of Music and overseeing programs designed to serve the needs of students outside the classroom. Specific responsibilities shall be negotiated and agreed upon by the Director of Admissions and Student Services and the Dean of the College.  

3.2.5 An Area Chairperson shall be appointed for each of the following Areas of the College of Music:

  • Conducting
  • Brass (trombone, trumpet, horn, tuba, euphonium)
  • Composition
  • Historical Musicology & Ethnomusicology
  • Jazz Studies
  • Percussion
  • Piano
  • Music Education
  • Music Theory
  • Strings (violin, viola, ‘cello, ‘bass, harp)
  • Vocal Arts
  • Woodwinds (bassoon, clarinet, flute, oboe, saxophone) Area Chairpersons shall be appointed by the Dean of the College of Music for a term of three years. Any member of the voting faculty may be appointed Area Chairperson. The members of the Area shall consult and advise the Dean in determining the Area Chairperson. In the last year of each Area Chairperson’s term, the Dean shall meet individually with each voting member of the Area to discuss Area issues and the qualifications of individuals who might serve as Area Chair. If there is more than one candidate who desires  to serve as Area Chairperson, the faculty Elections Officer shall conduct an advisory vote by written secret ballot. Each candidate shall be ranked in order of preference by each voting member of the Area. The faculty Elections Officer shall then inform each member of the Area and the Dean of the person receiving the highest vote total . If the Dean chooses a person not receiving the highest vote total, the Dean shall again confer individually with each member of the Area before making the appointment of the Area Chairperson. Area Chairpersons shall be responsible for administrative matters which directly concern their particular areas. These may include: evaluation of students admitted to special and undergraduate programs, recommending admission of graduate students, coordination of scholarship awards within the area, evaluation of applications for assistantships, assignment of teaching responsibilities, coordination of instructional programs, supervision of graduate advising in consultation with the Graduate office, placement assistance to graduates, and providing evaluations of area faculty as part of reappointment, tenure and promotion. The Dean will consult with each Area Chairperson and the members of that Area  as to the specific duties of the Chairperson for that Area. These duties will be stated in a letter of agreement between the Dean and the Area Chairperson appointee and will become public information to each unit. Each Area Chairperson shall receive and take into account the views of the area faculty and, when appropriate, students in determining policies and in advising the College Dean and Associate Deans.


4.1 General Rules Governing Standing Committees

4.1.1 There shall be the following Standing Committees of the College of Music: The Advisory Committee, the Graduate Committee, and the Undergraduate  Committee. The Dean may appoint additional ad hoc committees as he or she deems necessary (section 5.2).

4.1.2 All members of the voting faculty except for the Dean, Associate Deans, and Director of Admissions shall be eligible for election to the Advisory Committee, the Graduate Committee, and the Undergraduate  Committee. No faculty member shall be eligible to be elected to two successive terms on the same standing committee. No faculty member who will be on leave for the first full year of a term shall be a candidate for election to a standing committee.

4.1.3 Terms of committee members shall be as follows: Except for members-at-large and student members, all members of the Undergraduate  and Graduate committees shall serve three-year terms, with elections to be held in such a way that the two representatives of the Performance Division shall not be elected in the same year, nor shall the representatives from the remaining two divisions be elected in the same year. Members-at-large and student members shall serve one-year terms. Advisory Committee members nominated and elected from the Performance Division and from the Academic Division shall serve two-year terms. Each year one new committee member will be elected from each division to a two-year term.

4.1.4 For purposes of the election of committee members, no faculty member may represent more than one division of the Faculty of the College of Music.

4.1.5 No elected standing committee member may serve at the same time as a member of any other standing committee of the College of Music.

4.1.6 An election of faculty committee members shall take place each year before the end of Spring Semester. Nomination and election of new faculty members of the Advisory Committee shall be completed before members of the other committees are elected. Student members shall be elected at the beginning of the Fall Semester. New terms of office shall commence at the beginning of the Fall Semester.

4.1.7 In case of a vacancy on a standing committee, a replacement member shall be chosen to serve for the duration of the absence or the unexpired term, whichever ends first. In case of a Undergraduate  or Graduate Committee vacancy of more than one university semester’s duration, the appropriate Faculty Division or the Student Advisory Council shall elect a replacement. In case of an Advisory Committee vacancy, a replacement member shall be selected as follows: If a vacant position is that of an elected faculty committee member, a permanent replacement shall be elected at a special election during the first faculty meeting of the year for all anticipated replacements for Advisory Committee and Faculty Evaluation Committee for the semester or year depending on the length of their absence.  In the case of an emergency, the Advisory Committee can choose a temporary replacement to serve until a special election can be called.  If a faculty member serves any of their elected term, they are not eligible for re-election in the next term.  If the vacant position is that of a student representative, the Student Advisory Council shall elect a replacement.

4.1.8 Each committee shall elect its own Chairperson for a one-year term of office at the first meeting in the Fall Semester. The Chairperson shall, in turn, direct the selection of a secretary.

4.1.9 Standing committees shall schedule their own meetings, which shall be conducted according to the revised Robert’s Rules of Order, except as modified by a vote of the members or as otherwise specified in these Bylaws.

4.1.10 All meetings of College of Music committees, except those concerning matters requiring confidentiality, shall be open to all members of the College Faculty, and any faculty member, upon prior request to the committee Chairperson, shall be permitted to address the committee.

4.1.11 Standing Committees shall seek the view of faculty members as part of the deliberative process.

4.1.12 Each committee shall determine its own agenda, which shall be published (by prominent posting or by distribution to the faculty) at least 48 hours in advance. Copies of agendas for emergency meetings shall be provided at the time the meeting is called. Any faculty member or student may suggest items for a committee’s agenda.

4.1.13 The Chairperson of each committee shall regularly inform the Dean concerning the work of the committee and shall be responsible for seeing that the approved minutes of each meeting are published in a timely manner.

4.1.14 Committees shall regularly review their composition, procedures, and functions and recommend appropriate Bylaw revisions to the Faculty.

4.2 The Advisory Committee

4.2.1 Composition
The Advisory Committee shall be composed of the following (see Section 1.1.5 division of the faculty for the purpose of election to standing committees):

  • two faculty members nominated by and from the Performance Division, and elected by the entire voting faculty
  • two faculty members nominated by and from the Academic Division, and elected by the entire voting faculty
  • one faculty member both nominated and elected at large
  • the Dean; the Associate Deans for Undergraduate Studies and Operations and Graduate Studies and Research shall serve as exofficio members, without vote
  • one undergraduate and one graduate student representative, elected by the Student Advisory Council

4.2.2 Nomination and Election of faculty members of the Advisory Committee shall be conducted according to the College of Music Procedures for Nomination and Election of Faculty Members of the Advisory Committee.

4.2.3 Functions The Advisory Committee shall advise and consult the Dean and Associate Deans on the following matters:

  • administrative policy
  • budgetary policy
  • allocation of College of Music space to groups and individuals not associated with the University
  • nominations for student and faculty awards
  • faculty grievances
  • faculty positions
  • any other matters as the committee or the Dean deem appropriate The Faculty Evaluation Committee, consisting of eligible members of the Advisory Committee (except as provided under sec., shall advise the Dean regarding matters of faculty appointments, reappointments, tenures, promotions, and dismissals. The Advisory Committee shall have shared responsibility with the Dean for setting the agenda for regular meetings of the College of Music Faculty.

4.3 The Graduate Committee

4.3.1 Composition
The Graduate Committee shall be composed of the following:

  • two representatives elected by and from the Music Performance Division
  • one representative elected by and from the Theory and Composition Division
  • one representative elected by and from the Music Education and Historical Musicology & and Ethnomusicology Division
  • one member-at-large, chosen alternately from each of the three Divisions of the faculty, but elected by the entire voting faculty
  • two graduate student representatives, elected by the Student Advisory Council
  • the Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research, who shall serve exofficio, without vote

4.3.2 Nomination and Election of faculty members of the Graduate Committee shall be
conducted according to the College of Music Procedures for Nomination and Election of Faculty Members of the Undergraduate and Graduate Committees.

4.3.3 Functions The Graduate Committee shall advise the faculty regarding existing and proposed graduate programs and courses in the various instructional areas of the College and shall submit recommendations for changes to the faculty for action. The Graduate Committee shall advise and consult the Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research on matters concerning graduate students and issues. The Graduate Committee shall have delegated authority to:

  • establish procedures for the administration of orientation, comprehensive, and oral examinations and graduate recitals
  • serve as an appeal body for students in matters relating to comprehensive and oral examinations and graduate requirements
  • evaluate the academic and musical qualifications of candidates for graduate fellowships and other awards and make recommendations The Graduate Committee shall advise the Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research regarding the preparation of appropriate literature relating to admission, courses of study, assistantships, fellowships, and examinations.

4.4 The Undergraduate Committee

4.4.1 Composition
The Undergraduate Committee shall be composed of the following:

  • two representatives elected by and from the Music Performance Division
  • one representative elected by and from the Theory and Composition Division
  • one representative elected by and from the Music Education and Historical Musicology and Ethnomusicology Division
  • one member-at-large, chosen alternately from each of the three Divisions of the faculty, but elected by the entire voting faculty
  • two undergraduate student representatives, elected by the Student Advisory Council
  • the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies and Operations, who shall serve ex-officio, without vote

4.4.2 Nomination and Election of faculty members of the Undergraduate  Committee shall be conducted according to the College of Music Procedures for Nomination and Election of Faculty Members of the Undergraduate  and Graduate Committees.
4.4.3 Functions The  Undergraduate Committee shall advise the faculty regarding the following:

  • requests for adding, changing, or removing courses from the existing approved undergraduate curricula in the College of Music
  • proposals for undergraduate and non-credit courses to be offered by the College of Music through Lifelong Education Programs, both on and off campus
  • all other recommendations which would affect undergraduate course offerings and curricular requirements
  • the Undergraduate Committee shall advise and consult the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies and Operations on matters concerning undergraduate students and issues The Undergraduate Committee shall have delegated authority to serve as an appeal body for students in matters relating to interpretation and application of the College’s requirements for the undergraduate degrees.


5.1 Additional standing committees may be created under the provisions for amending the Bylaws. The proposal for a new Standing Committee shall specify composition (including appropriate student and faculty representation), functions, procedures, eligibility, terms of office, and election procedures.

5.2 For purposes of obtaining information and advice, the Dean may appoint other committees as he or she deems appropriate.

5.2.1 The faculty shall advise the Dean concerning the composition, method of selecting members, functions, and procedures of ad hoc committees.

5.3 According to University Bylaws, the College of Music has representation on University standing committees. The Faculty Advisory Committee shall nominate a slate for each committee from which one person shall be elected to serve by majority vote of the eligible faculty at the spring election meeting. If a duly elected representative is unable to complete his or her term of office, the Faculty Advisory Committee shall select a replacement for the duration of the term.


6.1 Faculty appointments, reappointments, tenures, promotions, dismissals, and evaluations shall be made in accordance with the Faculty Handbook, Section IV, “Academic Personnel Policies” and shall be the shared responsibility of the faculty and the Dean.

6.1.1 Faculty appointments A search committee consisting of at least five faculty members and two students selected by the Dean shall recommend a ranked order of acceptable final candidates for appointment. The Dean shall be responsible for selecting committee members in accordance with the guidelines provided by the MSU Faculty Handbook and the MSU Office of Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives. The Dean shall provide the terms and conditions of employment in writing to the new faculty member at the time of the appointment. These terms shall include:

  • time period of employment
  • salary provision
  • general expectations in regard to professional responsibilities
  • conditions other than appointee’s performance or stated responsibilities that may make a further appointment inadvisable The Dean or the Dean’s designate shall be responsible for appointing a faculty mentor to all pre-tenure, tenure-stream faculty for each year through the year they apply for tenure. The Dean, after consulting with the Advisory Committee and any other parties he or she deems appropriate, shall provide each faculty member (fixed term as well as tenure stream faculty) with a written evaluation of his or her work for the previous calendar year. These letters will be provided by three months after the last Advisory Committee meeting of the academic year.

6.1.2 Faculty reappointments, promotions, tenures, and dismissals shall be recommended by the Faculty Evaluation Committee to the Dean. The Faculty Evaluation Committee shall consist of all eligible voting members of the Advisory Committee, except student members and faculty members who are being considered for reappointment, tenure, or promotion. When a member of the Advisory Committee cannot serve on the Faculty Evaluation Committee, a replacement shall be elected as provided in sec., maintaining divisional representation and gender or minority-group representation. The Dean shall arrange for consultations as needed to ensure that the Committee making a recommendation conforms to the guidelines for Affirmative Action in the Faculty Handbook. All members of the Faculty Evaluation Committee must be present for action to be taken on reappointment, tenure, or promotion. All deliberations of the Faculty Evaluation Committee shall be held in strictest confidence among Committee members. Ballots shall be destroyed after elapse of a reasonable period of time. Any faculty member below the rank of Full Professor may request consideration for promotion. Tenure may be recommended for faculty members who are also recommended for promotion to Associate Professor or who are already at that rank or above. Faculty members at the rank of Assistant Professor may be reappointed with tenure, in accordance with The MSU Faculty Handbook. In case a faculty member is already at the associate professor or full professor  rank without tenure, the purposeof evaluation for tenure will be to confirm that the faculty member meets the promotional criteria established for that rank.  Prior to appointing a new faculty member with tenure, the Faculty Evaluation Committee must review and support the candidate’s tenure dossier. In providing advice on recommendations that involve the award of tenure or promotion to full professor in the tenure system, committee member participation is limited to tenured faculty or solely to full professors, respectively. Criteria for reappointment, promotion, tenure, and merit pay Recommendations for reappointment, promotion, and/or tenure shall be based on an assessment of the overall quality of a faculty member's contributions to the programs and mission of the College of Music. Recommendations will be based on the record of the faculty member in a) quality of instruction, b) research, creative, and scholarly activities, and c) service (public, committee, and administrative) in accordance with their agreed assignments. Teaching represents the most important single function of the College of Music. The ability to stimulate students to achieve at the highest level possible and enthusiasm for teaching are important attributes of the faculty member. Research, creative, and scholarly activities may include any of a wide variety of activities depending on the area of appointment and specialization of the faculty member. It is expected that each faculty member will pursue research, creative, and scholarly activities in her or his area of appointment and field of specialization and will achieve recognition among her or his peers in one or more such fields of activity. Service to the profession and within the University refers to activities that utilize the professional expertise of the faculty member. Each faculty member is expected to render a reasonable amount of service to the College of Music, to the University, and to the public at large. Service is subordinate to the other two categories of activity, however. Ordinarily, no amount of service can compensate for a lack of skill in teaching or for a lack of professional research, creative and/or scholarly activities. Because Diversity Equity, and Inclusion (DEI also DEIB) are core values of Michigan State University, faculty should also detail their DEI efforts, providing evidence of their activities and accomplishments in the context of research/creative activities, teaching, service, outreach, and engagement. To this end, candidates shall be evaluated on the basis of evidence which supports sustained effectiveness in the following areas:

  • Quality of instruction—The candidate’s credentials for this area shall include a complete set of student instructional rating forms, and may include such things as teaching assignment, syllabi, contributions to course and curriculum development, pedagogical innovations, record of advising, faculty visitations, evidence of outstanding student accomplishments (may include prizes, grants, and awards; success in job placement, performance, publication, or research activity); and any communications from faculty and students which are judged relevant and authoritative.
  • Research, Creative, and Scholarly Activity
  1. Research and Scholarly Activity—The candidate’s credentials for this area may include such things as books, essays, articles, reviews, or scholarly editions of music whether published, accepted for publication, or unpublished; service as editor of a scholarly publication or as a member of an editorial committee; service as referee for scholarly publishers; music criticism; papers presented before professional societies and panels organized or participated in; software development; grants and awards for scholarship; and letters of evaluation from qualified and authoritative sources within and outside of the University.
  2. Creative activity—Music Performance and Composition (including original compositions, arrangements, transcriptions, and adaptations of music); Credentials for this area may include such things as prizes, grants, and awards; programs and reviews; recordings and scores; and letters of evaluation from qualified and authoritative sources within and outside the University.
  • Service—Credentials for this area may include such things as effective service in Area, College, and University committee assignments; administrative services to the College and/or the University; effective service as an advisor; liaison work, editorial service; effective service in fund-raising for the College of Music; effective public relations service for the College of Music; offices and committee assignments in professional associations and organizations on the local, state, regional, national, or international levels; organization of professional conferences; relevant community-at-large assignments; utilization of the professional abilities and expertise of the faculty member without compensation or with nominal compensation on behalf of continuing education in music or in the service of government agencies, citizen’s groups, educational, religious, or charitable organizations, or health care institutions at the local, state, national, or international levels. Although all faculty members will be evaluated in each of the three categories (quality of instruction; research, creative, and scholarly activities; and service) they will not be expected to be equally involved in all three categories. Faculty members are not expected to be involved in all activities listed under any category. Questions regarding the appropriate balance of activities for any given faculty member should be discussed with the Area Chair and the Dean of the College of Music. Achievements in the faculty member’s area(s) of appointment during the period under review shall be given the primary consideration in the evaluation process, but achievements in other related areas shall also be considered. A uniformly high level of effectiveness or achievement in each area of activity is not necessarily expected; however, the efficient functioning of the College’s programs and the fulfillment of its mission clearly require that faculty members discharge all of their assigned duties in a manner that meets reasonable minimum standards of responsibility and effectiveness. In evaluating a faculty member who is also a member of another department, college, or other unit of the University, the Faculty Evaluation Committee shall take under consideration the fact of the joint appointment. The faculty may from time to time formulate and adopt statements which specify in greater detail orderly procedures for the evaluation of faculty according to these criteria in a manner designed to protect the integrity of the recommendations and provide for due process. Whenever deemed appropriate and requested by one third of the voting faculty, the Advisory Committee shall prepare and submit for approval by the voting faculty recommendations for or against changes in criteria and procedure for faculty evaluations. The method for initial approval of new Procedures shall be that specified in paragraph 12.1 of these Bylaws. The method for amending Procedures shall be that specified in paragraph 11.4 of these Bylaws. Faculty members who are candidates for promotion and/or tenure shall be given the opportunity to confer with the Faculty Evaluation Committee prior to their decision of recommended action. At least one week prior to the meeting with the Faculty Evaluation Committee, the committee will send a letter to the candidate specifying their concerns with the candidate’s promotion or tenure materials. The Faculty Evaluation Committee shall submit all its recommendations promptly to the Dean. Responsibility for arriving at a final decision and furnishing prompt written notice of this decision to the faculty member rests with the Dean. If dismissal or denial of reappointment or tenure is recommended by the Faculty Evaluation Committee, the Dean, before making a decision, shall give the faculty member written notice of the recommendation.

6.1.3 Except as provided in sec., the procedures for faculty appointments, reappointments, tenures, promotions, dismissals, and evaluations shall be in accordance with The MSU College of Music Procedures for Promotion and Tenure Recommendations, which is appended to these Bylaws.


7.1 The Dean shall assign salary increases according to the following ranked order of priorities:

  • promotions
  • adjustment of anomalies
  • merit

7.2 Before the end of every spring semester, the Advisory Committee shall advise the Dean regarding merit salary increases for that academic year.

7.3 Every member of the College of Music faculty shall be considered for a merit salary increase each year.

7.4 The criteria for evaluation for merit salary increases shall be the same as those for reappointment, promotion, and tenure, as described under section

7.5 The Advisory Committee and the Dean shall evaluate merit and recommend merit salary increases in accordance with the MSU College of Music Procedures for Determining Annual Faculty Salary Increases.

Elections for the Advisory Committee shall be conducted as provided in section 4.2.2. Elections for the Undergraduate  and Graduate Committees shall be conducted in accordance with sections 4.3.2 and 4.4.2. All other elections within the College of Music shall be conducted in accordance with the MSU College of Music Election Procedures.

All grievances and hearings shall be conducted in accordance with the MSU College of Music Grievance and Hearing Procedures and with the University Grievance Policy and Procedures.


10.1 The Dean shall transmit to each faculty member a copy of these Bylaws and Procedures and any subsequent amendments.

10.2 The Advisory Committee together with the Chairpersons of the other Standing Committees shall be the final authority concerning the interpretation of these Bylaws.

10.3 These Bylaws and Procedures shall be reviewed by the College of Music Faculty at intervals not to exceed five years.

10.4 Amendments to Bylaws or Procedures shall be adopted upon approval of two-thirds of the eligible voting faculty by written ballot within two weeks following a Faculty Meeting at which the amendment was formally presented , or at a regular Faculty Meeting following the meeting at which it was discussed.


11.1 Initial approval of these Bylaws shall be the shared responsibility of the voting faculty and the Dean. A majority vote of the voting faculty is required.

11.2 These Bylaws shall become effective upon approval.

11.2.1 Upon approval of these Bylaws and Procedures, the College of Music will adhere to all regulations  as soon as practicable.

11.3 The method for initial approval of new documents of Procedure shall be that specified in section 12.1. The method for amending Procedures shall be that specified in section

11.4. Newly adopted Procedures or newly adopted amendments to Procedures shall take effect upon adoption.