Key Policies

For more information on checking out keys, go to the Main Office (102 Music Building), call 517-353-5340, or send the office an email at


  • Faculty and staff will be issued up to two keys for their office/studio. If a key is lost and results in a lock change, that faculty member will be responsible for the expense of changing the lock and production of any replacement keys.
  • Any faculty member wishing their students to have a key to their studio must submit the name of the student(s) and start date/end date the student(s) should have access to the key.  Approved students would be able to sign out the studio key from the Main Office, to be returned prior to the end of the next business day.
  • Faculty may be issued classroom keys only to those rooms in which they are scheduled to teach that particular semester, or a sequence code to access a key lockbox for those classrooms. Keys must be returned to the main office at the end of each semester.
  • Cook Recital Hall keys will be issued on a per-usage basis except to faculty regularly scheduled to teach in these rooms.


  • A $25 non-refundable fee is required before a locker key or a practice room key is issued. If students check out both a locker key and a practice room key, only one fee will be charged.
  • Students are to turn in practice room keys at the end of each semester and locker keys at the end of each academic year (or last semester at MSU).
  • If a classroom, office, locker, practice room, or any other type of key has not been returned by the due date, the student to whom the key was issued will be notified and a lock change will be ordered for that space.
  • For all overdue keys that result in a lock change, the student to whom the key was issued will be charged an additional fee ($100) to cover the core change and any production of replacement keys.
  • Graduate assistants may be issued a key to their office and a key to the room(s) in which they teach and are not required to leave a deposit. Office keys must be returned at the end of finals week of each spring semester and classroom keys at the end of finals week of each semester.


  • The Facilities and Concert Manager, Chuck Roberts (, or a staff member in the main office can assist faculty and students who have locked themselves out of their office, practice room, or classroom.
  • Keys will not be issued for the daytime use of Cook Recital Hall, or classrooms. For non-class use of these rooms during the day, a staff member in the main office should be available to unlock them.
  • No keys will be issued outside of standard business hours (8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday – Friday), so please plan accordingly to pick up keys when office staff is available to assist you.
  • Keys are to remain with the person to whom they are assigned.
  • Keys for meetings, rehearsals, recitals, and recordings must be returned by the end of the next business day.
    • Keys may be returned to 102 Music Building either in person or in the mail slot in the door (place key in an envelope before putting through the mail slot, please!
  • Keys for meetings, rehearsals, recitals, and recordings must be returned by the end of the next business day.