Teaching and Learning Environment (TLE) Proposal Guide

How to Prepare a Proposal:

Please respond to the following questions in writing, and number your responses the way the questions are numbered here.

  1. On whose behalf are you writing this proposal? (Yourself, your area, other)
  2. Describe the equipment you are requesting and its intended purpose
  3. Please state the amount of money you are requesting. Please use this section also to show the committee what you have done or will do to reduce or contain costs. (For example, seeking multiple bids, additional sources for equipment, etc.
  4. Provide information to help the committee understand the significance of the equipment to your classroom, studio

Please submit your request by email to Justin Baker at bakerju2@msu.edu.

We currently endeavor to replace faculty computers on a 4-year replacement cycle.  This process should be automatic and prior to ordering we will reach out to determine if your needs have changed since the last purchase.  That said, if there are any questions about the timing of computer replacements, please reach out to Justin Baker directly via the above email.

Criteria for Funding TLE Requests:

The types of expenses that qualify for TLE funding are best considered on a spectrum of funding suitability: Things that students use directly in instruction and learning (online instructional courseware, laboratory microscopes, teaching laboratory computers, etc.) and things that faculty use directly in support of student instruction have the highest funding suitability. Things that have little or nothing to do with instruction (e.g., equipment used only for research, office equipment, administrative systems) have the lowest (including zero) funding suitability.

  • Proposals with more detailed and convincing documentation will be more likely to be approved.
  • Proposals that appeal to several interest areas in the College of Music will be more likely to be approved.
  • Proposals that demonstrate a thorough effort was made to reduce costs incurred by the College of Music will be more likely to be approved.

When economically feasible, it is the intention of the Technology Committee to represent more rather than fewer areas of the College of Music through the funding of TLE requests.