Jury Requirements for Strings


Bachelor of Music (MUS 152 & 352)

String performance majors must enroll for 3 credits of their instrument and Music Education majors must enroll for 2 credits (MUS 152 or 352). They will be expected to play a jury at the end of each semester in which they are enrolled. A complete recital may substitute for a jury in the last two semesters of BM degree. The grade for the jury is pass or fail. If the student fails a jury, he/she will be on probation status for one semester. At the end of the probation semester, the student will perform and pass a 15-minute program at the end of that semester’s jury in order to remove the “on probation” status. The final grade at the end of each semester is at the discretion of the major professor.

Master of Music

Students in the MM program are required to perform a 15-minute jury at the end of their first semester of study.


DMA students (MUS 996) are not required to participate in juries. However, they have to present a complete recital during every year of study in the DMA program (total of three solo recitals during the course of study). If for any reason students are unable to perform the required recital, they will need to present a 15-minute program at the end of the year’s juries. In addition to three solo recitals, DMA students in strings are required to perform one chamber music recital. The repertoire should include ad least one major work from the chamber music repertoire (trio, quartet, quintet, etc.) with or without piano. DMA students will be graded by their professor at the end of each semester.