

Please try to enroll for classes before filling out a permissions form.

Complete Information Required:
(You can fill out a paper form which is outside my office or you can e-mail me.)

Course numbers, Section numbers, your PID, etc. ARE REQUIRED.

The Schedule of Courses ( will show the course/section numbers.

FOR LESSONS: You must enroll for lessons! YOUR SECTION number will have YOUR PROFESSOR’s NAME listed on the right-hand side.

You can list up to 3 courses per form. A permission is NOT enrollment - Students are responsible for their own enrollment until the end of the 1st week of classes, each semester.

Permission forms are ALWAYS required when:

  1. You are taking any of the following courses: MUS 896, 897, 898, 899 or MUS 996, 997, 998, 999 ** You DO NOT have to have your instructor sign for these.
  2. You are taking any Undergraduate level (Level 100-400) course as a Graduate student

** Beginning Fall 2007, we started using a waiting list system. Waiting lists for full classes are in my office. Once a course has a waiting list your name can be added to the list.