Course Work

College of Music

Certificate in Music Career Development:

  • Designed for graduate students who wish to use their electives towards customized career preparation, this 9 credit certificate includes many of the courses below, a specialization in an outside area of interest, and a practical experience in your own business or an arts organization. Learn more on the College of Music graduate certificate page.

Entrepreneurial Career Preparation: 

  • MUS 101: Practical Foundations for Success in Music. Introduction to skills necessary for academic success in music, careers in music, entrepreneurship, and professionalism in music.
  • MUS 496: Your Music Business. Working in small groups, students develop and present a business plan for a music-related business.
  • MUS 491:075: Self Managed Music Career. This course provides the tools and knowledge necessary to create and sustain a musical entity in today’s challenging arts marketplace, specifically as a soloist or chamber music ensemble.

Careers in Academia: 

  • MUS 964: Seminar In College Music Teaching. Students prepare for careers in post secondary education by developing their teaching skills. Topics include assessment, curriculum development, classroom technology, and teaching adult students.
  • College of Music’s Certificate in College Teaching (CCT): Designed to help prepare graduate students for careers in post-secondary education and enhance the quality of their teaching while at MSU. Learn more about CCT in the admissions section of this website.

Specialized topics: 

  • MUS 112 and MUS 856: Chamber Music. Students learn to speak about music to diverse audiences and are required to present an outreach concert.
  • MUS 466/866: Internships in Music. Students spend 8-12 weeks working in an internship placement of their choice.
  • MUS 865: Career Capstone in Music. Students work on an individual entrepreneurial project or business launch to promote their careers.
  • MUS 893: Special Topics in Music Entrepreneurship. Students learn skills related to marketing, advertising, and self-promotion to prepare them for a career as an entrepreneurial musician.

For information on the undergraduate Minor in Entrepreneurship, please see "Other Courses"