November 2023

Music Student Bulletin

11.2.23 Bulletin  |  11.9.23 Bulletin  |  11.17.23 Bulletin  |  11.22.23 Bulletin  |  11.29.23

Music Bulletin 11.29.23

Building Hours
Chair Massages Dec. 7 and 8
REMINDER: Running Start Competition deadline approaching
REMINDER: Healthy Musicians event Dec. 4
REMINDER: Free Community Lunch Dec. 7

Building Hours

A reminder that building hours are 7 a.m. to 12 midnight. Please adhere to these building hours when studying, practicing, or on the premises for any other reason. If you are in the Music Building, Music Practice Building, or Billman Music Pavilion near closing hours, you may be asked by custodial staff to vacate. Thank you for being courteous and respectful to the staff who are helping keep our community safe.

Chair Massages Dec. 7 and 8

The College will be sponsoring free chair massages on December 7 and 8 for the end of the semester. UPDATE: December 7 and 8 are full, but an extra day has been added and there are a couple of slots available on December 11. To view times and sign up, use this link.

Music Bulletin 11.22.23

Pride in Music social event
Running Start Competition deadline approaching
REMINDER: Healthy Musicians event Dec. 4
REMINDER: Free Community Lunch Dec. 7

Pride in Music social event

Wednesday, November 29, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. in Eichler Hall

Pride is Music is a new, grassroots student organization started by College of Music students for College of Music students. The group is holding their first public event on Wednesday, November 29. See the flyer on this page (click to view full size). Contact any of the organizers with questions: Saleel Menon, Andrew Bohn, Lorenzo Sanchez-Gatt, Denni Carlson, and Natalie Duling.

Running Start Competition deadline approaching

The annual Running Start Competition is designed to you bring your creative ideas to life and take charge of your careers! If you have an idea for a project or a business in music that features creative content, uses a unique model or approach, reaches a new audience, or does something better/cheaper/faster/greener in the world of music, this competition with cash prizes and support to help your idea succeed is for you!  Applications are due Thursday, December 14, 2023 by 11:59 p.m. Learn more here.


Music Bulletin 11.17.23

Running Start Resume and CV Hang
Healthy Musicianship
Free Community Lunch

Running Start Resume and CV Hang

Tuesday, November 21, 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. in the Billman lobby

Are you using your resume or CV to apply for opportunities (like summer music festivals) over the winter break? Join us for a drop-in Resume & CV Hang!

No registration or sign-up is required, as we'll have multiple staff there to help with your documents. Get comments, edits, and reviews on your documents. Don't have your documents yet? No worries! Come to get templates, good and bad examples, and tips for getting started - anything you need for wherever your documents are right now.

Healthy Musicianship

On Monday, December 4 from 4:00-4:50 in the Billman Pavilion lobby, graduate students in the healthy musicianship class will be offering an open house on musicians' wellness. Students will offer information and demonstrations on musculoskeletal, psychological, and social health and wellbeing. No need to register, just join us to see what you can learn that might help you!

Free Community Lunch

For the second time this semester, all students, faculty and staff are welcomed to a casual lunch in the Billman atrium. Free food, but more importantly an opportunity to enjoy a short bit of downtime while connecting with students and others. Please join us on Thursday, December 7, any time between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Lunch will include pizza and salads from Bell's Greek Pizza. We hope to see you there!

Music Bulletin 11.9.23

Theft/Security Announcement
Spring Choir Auditions

Theft/Security Announcement

There has been a pattern of thefts this semester in which wallets and phones have been stolen out of backpacks and bags left unattended in classrooms and hallways. The College has reached out to the Department of Police and Public Safety regarding theft patterns on campus to gather more information. In the meantime, please be diligent about taking care of your belongings and do not leave them unattended. In addition, please reach out to report the theft of any belongings to MSU police.

Spring Choir Auditions

If you or someone you know has an interest in joining one of the fantastic MSU choirs begining Spring 2024, please know that auditions for choral ensembles are conducted on an individual basis and can be scheduled by emailing the conductor/instructor for each ensemble listed on the choral ensemble page. Please reach out to the choral area if you have questions. 

Music Bulletin 11.2.23

Spring Ensemble Auditions
Free Rush Tickets for Ars Musica Chicago
REMINDER: Female Entrepreneurs in Music
REMINDER: Running Start Competition Drop-in Dates

Spring Ensemble Auditions

Winds and percussion auditions for Spring 2024 ensembles will be held jointly between orchestra and bands between Tuesday, November 28 and Wednesday, December 6. If you are interested in joining an ensemble or know of non-Music majors who may be interested in joining, please visit the Bands, Orchestras, and Musique 21 auditions page for detailed information and a link to sign up. There will be ensemble choices available when registering for the audition.

Free Rush Tickets for Ars Musica Chicago

As a Music student, you have an opportunity to attend free the concert this Friday, November 3, by Ars Musica Chicago, a unique ensemble that explores groundbreaking music of the Baroque period, from the stylus phantasticus trio sonatas of Buxtehude to delectable character pieces by Couperin. In this particular performance, they focus on J. S. Bach, and repertoire will include his pieces and other works by some of the influential forebears and illustrious contemporaries whose music Bach heard, studied, and admired.

To obtain your free ticket, stop by the Main Office, 102 MB (Hours: Mon.–Fri, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.).