Summer 2021

Music Student Bulletin

Summer 2021 

7.28.2021 Bulletin  |  8.17.2021 Bulletin  |  8.24.21 Bulletin   |  8.31.21 Bulletin

Music Student Bulletin 8.31.21

Updated College of Music Health and Safety Protocols
Contact Tracing, Isolation/Quarantine Policies and Procedures, and Testing

Fall Convocation Reminder

Updated College of Music Health and Safety Protocols

The protocols for Fall 2021 classes, lessons, personal practice, rehearsals, and performances are now posted on this site. They include policies on:

  • Face coverings
  • Spacing in large and small ensemble rehearsals
  • Specifics for brass players and vocalists, including choral and opera performances
  • practice room policies 
  • Cleaning protocols 
  • Eating and drinking protocols, and more.

See the full health and safety protocols for Fall 2021 here.

We will follow university directives designed for wellness and safety in response to the current state of the COVID-19 infections in the state of Michigan and Ingham County. All students, staff, and faculty, must be fully vaccinated and wear appropriate face covering indoors. Please refer to MSU's Together We Will web site for the latest university-wide directives and FAQs.

Contact Tracing, Isolation/Quarantine Policies and Procedures, and Testing

Below are a few important points made recently by the university that the College of Music would like to reinforce with all Music students.

Syptoms and Testing

  • If you have any of the symptoms of COVID 9, including nasal congestion, cough, fever, headache, body aches, etc., you should not come to campus. Remain at home and isolate. If symptoms persist for more than a day, you should get a COVID test as soon as possible.
  • Rapid COVID-19 tests are available at the Olin Health Center by appointment between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
  • Testing at the Sparrow Laboratories clinic in Frandor (at the former Sears Auto Center) offers results in 24 hours. 
  • Many urgent care centers and pharmacies also offer testing.
  • Call the MSU Triage Hotline at 855-958-2678 for questions

Contact Tracing

  • Contact tracing and notification of positive cases will be handled centrally by the university in collaboration with local health officials. 


  • Anyone who has been in close contact (within 6 feet of someone who tests positive for COVID-19 for 15 minutes or more) is expected to follow the CDC’s guidance of a 14-day quarantine for people who are not fully vaccinated.
  • People who are fully vaccinated do not need to quarantine after close contact with someone with COVID-19 unless they develop symptoms.
  • Fully vaccinated people who are in close contact with someone who tests positive should themselves be tested 3-5 days after exposure to ensure that they do not have an asymptomatic case of COVID that they could spread to others. 

Diagnosis and Early Detection

  • Anyone diagnosed with COVID-19 should isolate from others for at least 10 days after symptoms first appear, for 24 hours after fever has subsided without the use of fever-reducing medications, and when other related symptoms are improving.
  • If you tested positive for COVID-19 but showed no symptoms, you should isolate for 10 days after your positive COVID-19 test. 
  • All members of the MSU community, regardless of their vaccination status, are welcome to get information about and participate in the Early Detection Program (Spartan Spit).

Music Student Bulletin 8.24.21

New Student and Graduate Assistant Orientations

Ensemble Auditions

Music Theory Validation Exam (incoming and transfer students only) 

Vaccination Requirement 

Fall Convocation

New Student and Graduate Assistant Orientations

Colloquium for All Incoming Undergraduate First and Second Year Students, Tuesday, August 31, 9:00 a.m., Murray Hall.

Orientation for All Incoming Graduate Students, Monday, August 30, 10:00 a.m., Cook Recital Hall. 

Orientation for All New Graduate Assistants, Monday, August 30, 1:00 p.m. Cook Recital Hall.

Ensemble Auditions

Auditions for ensembles are fast approaching. Find links to all the details you'll need here.

  • Bands, Orchestras & Musique 21 - Aug 28-31
  • Jazz - due by Aug 29
  • Choral - Aug 28 thru Sept 1

Music Theory Validation Exam (incoming and transfer students only)

An opportunity for incoming freshman and transfer students to place out of required introductory Music Theory courses.

Monday, August 30, 2021, 11:45 a.m.–1:45 p.m., 103 Music Practice Building

Find details here.

Vaccination Requirement

A reminder: You are required to complete the form for students to verify their vaccination against COVID-19 by Tuesday, Aug. 31, even if you previously completed the university’s vaccine survey. The form is now available at Please note that the College cannot accommodate individual student requests for online instruction.

Fall Convocation

A fun reminder: The College of Music Fall Convocation for ALL students, faculty, and staff is on Friday, September 10, 3:00-5:00 pm. The event will be held on Adams Field, just to the west of the Billman Pavilion. Planned by a student/faculty/staff committee, the event will include a very short program followed by the opportunity to share food, drink, games, dancing and music. We look forward to seeing you there!

Music Student Bulletin 8.17.2021

Fall Convocation

Vaccination Requirement

Fall Convocation

Plan now to attend the College of Music Fall Convocation for ALL students, faculty, and staff on Friday, September 10, 3:00-5:00 pm. The event will be held on Adams Field, just to the west of the Billman Pavilion. This event, which was planned by a student/faculty/staff committee, builds on our very successful convocation in Fall 2019 and will include a short program followed by the opportunity to share food, drink, games, and dancing with music provided by our own Anthony Gaines as DJ.

Vaccination Requirement

As you know, the best way to ensure the health and safety of our College of Music community is for students, faculty, and staff to be vaccinated. The form for students to verify their vaccination against COVID-19 is now available at You are required to complete this form by Tuesday, Aug. 31, even if you previously completed the university’s vaccine survey. Please note that the College cannot accommodate individual student requests for online instruction. All classes will be offered in the modality in which they appear on the Schedule of Courses.

Music Student Bulletin 7.28.2021

Health and Safety Questions

Tuition Bill

Music Fee 

Health and Safety Questions  

We understand that some of you may have questions about the impact of COVID on the approaching Fall Semester. We are in ongoing discussion with the MSU administration about your health and safety, including a range of possible mitigation strategies should those be deemed necessary. We believe that the MSU administration, under the leadership of President Stanley (remember, he is an infectious disease doctor), will make decisions that will not compromise the health and safety of our students. As you have heard repeatedly, vaccination is the strongest measure you can take, so we urge you to get vaccinated if you have not already done so. That is the surest way to protect yourself, your colleagues, and the faculty and staff of the College. At this time the plan is for all classes, applied lessons, and large and small ensembles to be held in person.

Tuition Bill

You may have received your tuition bill recently and are confused because your scholarship or fellowship may not have been credited to your account. In most cases, the unpaid charges on the bill do not reflect the financial aid (grants, scholarships, loans, etc.) you can expect to receive. Federal rules require the University to wait until 10 days before the start of the semester to apply aid to students’ accounts. Aid will be applied to students’ accounts by August 24, 2021 for fall semester. No late fees will be processed until after September 1, 2021 for students who receive financial aid. If you have questions, please contact Student Accounts at 517-355-3343.

Your music scholarship should be listed under the "Anticipated Aid" category on your bill.  If not, then verify that you are registered for the minimum full-time credits (12 for undergraduate, 9 for master's and 6 for doctoral students).  If your music scholarship is not under the "Anticipated Aid" category and you are currently registered for full-time credits, please contact Ben Ebener, Director of Music Admissions and Scholarships at  Please include a printscreen of your bill.

Music Fee 

Some of you have asked about the Music Fee of $300 that is listed on your bill. At the June 18, 2021 Board of Trustees meeting, the university’s proposal for Budget Development Guidelines-Tuition and Fee Rates was considered and approved.  This included the implementation or increase of fees for several colleges, among them was a $300 per semester fee for all students enrolled in a music degree. It will go into effect with the fall semester. This fee ensures that the College can continue to offer a first-class education to our students, including one-on-one instruction and smaller classes with excellent faculty, practice rooms with pianos for individual and chamber music rehearsal, high quality performance spaces with audio-video recording ability, etc.