A message of continued support for change

Spartan helmet in green with word Music below it, encircled by a soundwave in rainbow colorsApril 22, 2021

To our Music community:

The conviction of George Floyd’s murderer Tuesday was a defining moment in which justice prevailed. While the guilty verdicts cannot bring back a life extinguished on the streets of Minneapolis last year, nor come close to adequately lessening the pain his family and loved ones have suffered, it is a small step toward accountability. It is clear that systemic racism still pervades our nation, our state, as well as our community. As President Stanley stated, this tragedy “heightened our country’s awareness of systemic and structural racism, and demanded accountability, equity and change.” We join the President in declaring the need to “remain steadfast in our commitment to rooting out racial inequities that affect members of the campus community.”  We appreciate the leadership of both President Stanley and Provost Woodruff.

The recent trial and verdict highlight the need for our College of Music to be ever vigilant in our commitment to the importance of change through diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in our curriculum, events, engagement and climate. Our commitment is to foster an ever greater sense of belonging for all segments of our community.  

James B. Forger, Dean

Rodney Whitaker, University Distinguished Professor,
Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

David Rayl, Senior Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research

Michael Kroth, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies and Operations

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