An Important Message from the Dean

Dear College of Music Community

I write to you today following the tragic events that occurred on our campus last night. The violence has traumatized the Music and greater Michigan State University community.

On behalf of all of us in the dean’s offices of the College, we send heartfelt sympathy to the victims of this senseless act. For the families and friends of three MSU students who died, know that our entire MSU family grieves with you. For the five other victims, four of whom are currently in critical condition, we collectively send our thoughts and prayers for a full recovery.

I want to note that many Music students, faculty, and community members were locked in our facilities as these violent acts unfolded, and we understand that it must have been terrifying. People that we care about were dealing with this very closely, and they handled the stressful situation with courage and support for those sheltering in place with them.

While we have all become unfortunately accustomed to hearing about such violent acts around our country, it is a very different experience when it hits your own community in such a visceral manner. We encourage all of our students, faculty, staff, parents, patrons, and partners to take good care of yourselves and your loved ones and to seek the help that is available when you need it.

For the latest information on resources available to the entire MSU community, visit this Counseling & Psychiatric Services page, updated regularly.

For College of Music students, faculty, and staff, please be aware of the following:

  • All classes and class-related activities are canceled for the rest of this week. Classes will resume Monday morning.
  • College of Music facilities will open 8 am to 10 pm Wednesday through Sunday with normal hours resuming next Monday.
  • Concerts scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday are canceled. If rescheduling is possible, we will share that information.

We all respond to trauma in our own way, and we encourage each of you to lean on each other. We are one. We are strong. We will help each other.


James Forger, Dean College of Music          

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