Clarinet Fest 2015

MSU Clarinet Choir members display Spartan spirit in Madrid, Spain.

MSU's Clarinet Choir was invited to perform at Clarinet Fest 2015 in July. The annual international conference was held in Madrid, Spain, this year in collaboration with the Spanish Clarinet Association and Madrid City Council. 

Faculty members Guy Yehuda and Tasha Warren-Yehuda accompanied the group. 

"Our students were treated to a wonderful experience of performance in this high-level concert venue," said Yehuda, "and the opportunity to hear live concerts of clarinetist from all over the world."

Wes Warnhoff, DMA in clarinet performance, 2015, also performed at the conference along with piano alumnus Edisher Savitski and current student Diane Moisejenkaite, violin, as a trio; they performed works commissioned by the Verdehr Trio over the years. Following their concert, Elsa Ludewig-Verdehr and Walter Verdehr gave a presentation on additional Verdehr Trio repertoire.

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