College of Music Faculty Win University Research Funding

Faculty members will explore instrumental repertoires and ways to identify cultural and family connections through music.

Congratulations to the following College of Music faculty members who have won MSU Humanities and Arts Research (HARP) grants this year.

  • Caroline Hartig, associate professor of clarinet:  “Solo Clarinet from Classical to Klezmer”
  • Etienne Charles, assistant professor of jazz trumpet:  “Tracing Roots through Music”
  • Yuri Gandelsman, professor of viola:  “Paul Hindemith Retrospective –  Viola Sonatas”
  • Jan Eberle, associate professor of oboe:  “Expanding the Oboe Repertoire”

The HARP program provides internal MSU funds to support faculty who are conducting important research, creative, and performative projects and activities in the arts and humanities. The funding is designed to support faculty for projects that seem likely to enhance the reputation of the faculty member and the university, where external support is not generally available.

Posted on February 25, 2012

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