Composition: #57, “Grammys in the Cupboard” #57

This week’s topics include:

  • Eighth Blackbird’s Lisa Kaplan fills us in on what it’s like to win a Grammy and the award’s place in contemporary classical music.
  • Osvaldo Golijov and Michael Ward-Bergeman: Was it really plagiarism? Is this all hype? Thoughts on Sidereus and Barbeich. (Is this a “-gate” yet?)
  • Christopher Rouse has been named Composer-in-Residence at the New York Philharmonic. Check out their upcoming season here.
  • Luis Andrei Cobo is asking $150K on eBay to write a full opera with all the bells and whistles. What a deal! Best to snatch this one up while it’s still available.
  • Kickstarter is giving the National Endowment for the Arts a run for its money. It’s set to bring in over $150 million in 2012.

SoundNotion, launched in January 2011, is the brainchild of four College of Music composition students and alumni: Patrick Gullo (MM '11), David MacDonald (MM '08, DMA '11), Sam Merciers (DMA student), and Nate Bliton (MM '11), along with Timothy Rosenberg (saxophone performance, MM '08, DMA '10). The website features shows including news, discussion, analysis, and interviews with composers, performers, bloggers, and arts professionals.



Posted on March 2, 2012

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