MMEA Honors Cynthia Taggart

Music faculty member’s leadership and forward-thinking contributions bring impactful resources to music educators.

Cynthia Taggart, professor of music education, MSU College of Music

The Michigan Music Educators Association (MMEA) awards the top honor of “Music Educator of the Year” to individuals demonstrating commitment and outstanding merit within their communities and profession. 

Cynthia Taggart, professor of music education at Michigan State University, will be honored with this year’s award at the 2015 Michigan Music Conference in Grand Rapids, Mich. Taggart’s leadership and scholarly contributions in elementary and early childhood music education is well documented in Michigan, including published works in national and international journals.

“Receiving this award is very meaningful to me,” says Taggart. “Music teachers have the privilege of making a difference in the lives of children every day through music, and I can’t think of anything more rewarding to do with my life.” 

As team leader of the Michigan Assessment Consortium’s MAEIA project, Taggart worked to help create a series of comprehensive assessment tools made available to music teachers throughout Michigan, free of charge. 

“I feel tremendously fortunate to have fabulous colleagues at MSU and in the K-12 schools, as well as talented, motivated students who make my daily work a joy,” she says.

As recipient of the Music Educator of the Year Award, Taggart will also receive a Michigan Youth Arts Touchstone Award at the 2015 Michigan Youth Arts Festival held on the campus of Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Mich. 

“A wonderful colleague the past 12 years, Cindy is a compassionate, intelligent, organized, and visionary leader,” says Mitch Robinson, associate professor of music education. “It’s amazing watching her work with others, getting focused on important topics and issues, and helping rally support.”

Taggart joins John Kratus, associate professor of music education, who received MMEA’s 2013 Award of Merit for music teachers in Michigan.

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