MSU Excellence in Diversity Award

Doctoral candidate recognized for work in diversity and social justice.

A doctoral candidate in music education at Michigan State University was recently honored for his innovative research and classroom instruction of issues related to social justice and diversity.

Adam Kruse of the College of Music received MSU’s Excellence in Diversity Award in Emerging Progress at the annual awards ceremony in February 2014. 

“As a scholar, Adam’s research interests on social justice and diversity are at the core of our profession’s purpose and mission, and put him at the leading edge of investigation into this area,” says Mitch Robinson, associate professor and chair of music education. “He has also been an entrepreneur in finding publishers for his scholarly work.”

Kruse has focused on the discipline of music education through the lens of individuals who have been disenfranchised from formalized music education. His groundbreaking projects and publications have examined why particular types of music are studied and others are not as well as why some groups receive music education and others don’t. Colleagues say his work has challenged faculty, students, and scholars to think more deeply about the issues of race, gender, cultural identity, and social justice, and to create more inclusive teaching environments.

“I feel validated that other people think my work is important, too,” says Kruse as he reflects that simply being nominated was a great honor. “For me, the issues of inclusiveness, social justice, and social and cultural diversity are the basis for everything I do. That’s how I was taught to see the world.”

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