Students Share Research in Scholarly Journals

Two doctoral students published research findings through highly regarded journals in the field of music education.

Pictured left to right: Daniel Albert and Ryan Shaw

Daniel J. Albert, doctoral student in Music Education, investigated the differences between online and traditional graduate programs in music education by talking with students who have experienced both types of programs. “Online Versus Traditional Master of Music in Education Programs: Reasons for Choosing” debates the merits of online versus brick-and-mortar degree programs as more universities look to provide access to affordable educational opportunities. Albert’s article was recently published in the Journal of Music Teacher Education.

Music Education Ph.D. Candidate Ryan D. Shaw’s article in the Arts Education Policy Review presents findings on the impact of updated core arts standards on new evaluation practices for teachers. “An Interview with Marcia McCaffrey about the Core Arts Standards: Implications for Arts Teacher Evaluation” draws on conversations with leadership who oversee educational policy to examine the connections between teacher evaluations and new art education standards.

“The questions Ryan and Dan asked are central to the lives of our colleagues in the schools, and promise to shed light on the complex and complicated lives of music teachers in the era of accountability,” says Mitch Robinson, associate professor and chair of music education. “They are to be commended for asking such questions, and for presenting their findings elegantly and with great compassion.” 

Robinson commented that students like Shaw and Albert join a long tradition of doctoral students in music education who have published in major professional journals. He added that many Ph.D. students have also been invited to share their scholarship at prestigious conferences across the United States, further extending the profile of MSU music education program.  

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