Remembering Taylor Johnston

Long-time MSU faculty member was a passionate early music advocate.

Taylor Johnston (right), alto recorder, performed in 2014 with Mark Dupere, cello, Edward Parmentier, harpsichord, and Leah Brzyski, soprano.

The College of Music mourns the passing of a remarkable faculty colleague, Dr. Taylor Johnston, whose career through impactful teaching, administrative activities, and research served MSU through the Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences for 51 years. We also celebrate Dr. Johnston’s life and his long-time passion for music through singing and early music performance. He established the Taylor Johnston Early Music Series in the College of Music which brings leading performers from around the world to present concerts and master classes of Renaissance and Baroque music. His passion, his vision, and his generosity will benefit Michigan State University and the broader community for years to come. 

Taylor Johnston's passion, vision, and generosity have had a remarkable impact on the broader community. Here, he stands on the stage of Cook Recital Hall in front of the harpsichord his gift allowed the College of Music to purchase.

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