Strategic National Arts Alumni Project (SNAAP)

College of Music to seek alumni input through national survey.

The annual SNAAP survey is based at the Center for Postsecondary Research at the Indiana University School of Education. Data and analysis will be made available to participants.

Coming this fall, alumni of the MSU College of Music will be given the power to help shape the future by simply taking a survey.

In early October, MSU music graduates from 1943 to the present will be invited to participate in an online survey through the Strategic National Arts Alumni Project (SNAAP). The one-of-a-kind survey explores the lives of arts alumni across the nation by gathering data about current occupations, places of residence, debt and earnings, advanced degrees, and satisfaction with education.

Institutions participating in the survey then receive an analysis that allows them to assess the success and direction of artistic programs, develop curriculum, and fine-tune recruitment and retention strategies.

"This is one of the most extensive surveys that tracks the lives and careers of arts graduates in America," says Christine Beamer, the College's director of career services and music entrepreneurship. "It will provide us with an incredible view on the value of an MSU Music degree, and help us strategize pathways for future success."

SNAAP, in partnership with the College of Music, will email the survey to 5,467 alumni. In total, more than 100,000 alumni from about 300 institutions have provided responses through SNAAP since the survey launched in 2008.

The annual SNAAP survey is based at the Center for Postsecondary Research at the Indiana University School of Education. Data and analysis for the years 2011–2014 can be viewed on the website, including a breakout report from 2015. Specific 2016 analysis will be provided to participating institutions in late spring 2017.

"It's a great way alumni can voice their opinions about their careers in and outside the arts," Beamer says. "The data provided by alumni will give us valuable insights into future directions for our College, and help us ensure the success of all our students. We're hoping our alumni see the value, too, and that we see a robust return." 

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