Application Information

Summer Master’s Degree Program Applicants

(Music Education or Choral Conducting). You must submit two applications: one to Michigan State University and one to the College of Music.

Apply to Michigan State University

Apply to the College of Music

Students who have been accepted into a graduate degree program will receive information concerning enrollment in summer courses from the College of Music’s Graduate Office.

For more information or assistance, please contact:
         Michigan State University College of Music Admissions
         333 West Circle Drive
         East Lansing, MI 48824
         Phone: (517) 355-2140 | Fax: (517) 432-8209

Non Degree Applicants

Summer Courses or Workshops Only (Not Seeking A Degree). Students interested in attending one or more courses or workshops without seeking a degree must enroll as a Lifelong Education student through MSU. You must have a high school diploma or the equivalent; applicants who have earned a bachelor’s degree are classified as Graduate Lifelong Education students.

  • First-time Lifelong Education students can apply online at Lifelong Education.
  • Click on the link provided to access an online application; complete the application according to the instructions
  • To enroll, you’ll need your MSU NetID (the first part of your email address minus “”) and password. You will also need an override for your classes. Please contact the Graduate Office at with the course number and title. Overrides will be entered daily and you will be able to enroll the following day.

Scholarship assistance is available: New Directions Summer Scholars Program

For tuition information, please visit; click on “Student Tuition Rates by Semester.”