2014 Faculty Research

Kevin Bartig, associate professor of musicology, continues to garner accolades for his 2013 book, Composing for the Red Screen: Prokofiev and Soviet Film, now published in softcover. He contributed a book chapter, “Kinomuzyka: Theorizing Soviet Film Music in the 1930s,” to Sound, Speech, Music in Soviet and Post-Soviet Cinema, published by Indiana University Press and authored two articles: “Stravinsky, The Rite of Spring, and Prokofiev’s Audiovisual Sense,” which appeared in Three Oranges: The Journal of the Serge Prokofiev Foundation and “Aaron Copland’s Soviet Journal (1960),” which appeared in Notes: The Journal of the Music Library Association. See news artilce.

Michael Largey, professor of ethnomusicology, continues his scholarly exploration of music in Haiti with a chapter, ‘Hello, New York City!’: Sonic Tourism in Haitian Rara,”  in Sun, Sea, and Sound: Music and Tourism in the Circum-Caribbean published by Oxford University Press. He is also the author of  “Music and Resistance: 1915-1934” in Haiti: An Island Luminous (an interactive website curated by the Digital Library of the Caribbean) http://islandluminous.fiu.edu/learn.html . His expertise as an authority on Haitian music was recognized by the invitation to contribute to the Grove Dictionary of American Music, 2nd ed. (Online) for which he wrote articles on four important Haitian musicians: Justin Elie, Werner Jaegerhuber, Occide Jeanty, and Ludovic Lamothe. He also contributed an entry on Justin Elie in the Dictionary of Caribbean and Afro-Latin American Biography published by Oxford University Press.

Ken Prouty, associate professor of musicology and jazz studies, is the author of two recent journal articles: “Searching for Robert Johnson: the Outlier and the Ordinary in Jazz,” published in Popular Music in Society and “A History of Music in Music History,” published in Midwestern Miscellany (the Journal of the Society for the Study of Midwestern Literature).

My Fair Lady: A Voice for Change,” an article by Marcie Ray, assistant professor of musicology, appeared in the Fall 2014 issue of American Music. She is also the author of “Forsaking All ‘Others’: Marriage and the Birth of Comedy in Jean-Philippe Rameau’s Platée,” a book chapter in The Libretto as Enlightenment Text published by Mellen Press

Mitch Robinson, associate professor of music education, contributed two chapters to the Oxford Handbook of Qualitative Research in American Music Education, edited by Colleen Conway: “Changing the Conversation: Considering Quality in Music Education Qualitative Research” and “The Process of Publication and Qualitative Research.”

Professor of music education, Cynthia Taggart contributed the chapter “Engaged Music Listening” to the book Focusing on Musicianship in Designing Curriculum and Assessment, published by GIA Publications of Chicago.

Leigh Van Handel, associate professor of music theory, recently contributed entries on “Modulation,” “Scale,” “Interval,” and “Rules of Voice Leading” to Music in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: An Encyclopedia, published by Sage Publications. She also served as co-editor of a two-volume special issue of the journal Music Perception focusing on corpus methods in music cognition and perception.