MSU Carillon

The Muelder Summer Carillon Series

With consecutive Wednesday recitals throughout July and into August at the MSU Beaumont Tower, we present performances featuring one of the most recognizable sounds of MSU. Located next to the MSU Museum on West Circle Drive, each concert begins at 6:00 p.m., rain or shine (canceled if there is severe weather is present). Concerts are free and open to the public. Picnics welcome.

Click here to view details about performances scheduled for this series.

The Summer Carillon Series was established in 1996 through the generosity of Dr. Milton Muelder whose career spanned more than 40 years at MSU. “People enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of an outdoor recital and you can’t get much better than the scenery MSU has to offer,” said MSU Carillonist Jon Lehrer. “All are welcome to attend and even bring along a picnic and spread out a blanket while they listen. It's a great opportunity for children to come to a recital, too, as they don't have to sit and be quiet all the time.”

Developed in the 15th and 16th centuries in Northern Europe, carillons were often installed in church towers, even in small villages and towns. Commonly, carillonists would play live music on holidays and market days. The MSU carillon, which is housed within the John W. Beaumont Memorial Tower, contains 49 bells capable of playing the full range of literature composed for the instrument. One of approximately 180 working carillons in North America, it is played manually as a musical instrument and is also activated by a computer to sound Westminster Chimes every quarter hour.

Carillonists play music by striking wooden keys or batons using closed fists and by using their feet to depress foot pedals. The keys and pedals in turn pull wires to move the metal clappers to strike the bells. Restoration of the tower took place in 1996, involving the carillon, clock, Westminster Chimes, and tower repairs.

All Carillon recitals are free and open to the public. Beaumont Tower is located in the West Circle Drive oval area on the MSU campus. It is recommended that those attending park at Stadium Lot #62. After each recital, the tower will be open for tours and a demonstration of the carillon. Click here for a map to Beaumont Tower.