Visiting Artist/Lecturer Proposal Guide

Visiting Artist Lecturer applications will be evaluated two times during the year. 

  • October – for guests visiting from January to May.
  • April – for guests visiting from September to December.

Funds are generally divided between these rounds, and any exceptions to this are at the discretion of the committee. Please note that the Visiting Artist/Lecturer Committee funds are meant to simply assist in bringing performers and scholars to MSU rather than giving complete funding for events. The committee’s budget is limited. In light of this, proposals exceeding $1,000 are not likely to be fully funded.


The MSU Travel Office requires anyone traveling on behalf of MSU to have an approved travel request before their trip begins, even if they are not seeking reimbursement for travel related expenses at the end of the trip. This applies to faculty, staff, students, and all invited guests.


The Finance Team asks for travelers to communicate with their Go-To person at least 2-4 weeks in advance of any travel. Whenever possible, please notify finance staff:

  • 2 weeks in advance for domestic travel, and 
  • 4 weeks in advance for international travel.

Please allow additional time if your Finance Team Go-To person is booking travel on behalf of the traveler.

How to Prepare a Proposal:

In order to apply for funding from the College of Music Visiting Artist/Lecturer Fund, faculty members must fill out a simple online application form.

Do not email your application!

Instead, a link to the online form will be distributed by Shawn Mahorney when the application is open. Applications must be submitted electronically by the deadline specified for the funding period. You will be able to fill out the online form and attach supporting documents.  

Questions on the form will include:

  • On whose behalf are you writing this proposal? (Yourself, your area, other)
  • Please list the day, date, time, and location of presentation, for all presentations to be sponsored.
  • Include the name, address, phone, and email address of guest(s).
  • Describe the presentation you would like to sponsor. (Recital, lecture, master class, etc.)
  • Please state the amount of money you are requesting and provide a simple budget of how this will be used. Please use this section also to show the committee what you have done or will do to reduce or contain costs. (For example, provide guest lodging in a faculty home, arrange for guest to drive instead of fly, etc.)
  • Provide information to help the committee understand the background and qualifications of your guest. (Possible information to provide: published reviews, vita, biographical sketch, etc.)
  • What audience will your guest reach? Could this appearance help in recruitment? Will this proposal be of interest to other areas besides your own in the College of Music? Could this appearance promote diversity or support integrative studies?
  • What will you do to advertise this appearance if it is funded?

Criteria for Funding Visiting Artist and Lecturer Proposals:

  • Proposals with more detailed and convincing documentation will be more likely to be approved.
  • Proposals that appeal to several interest areas in the College of Music will be more likely to be approved.
  • Proposals that demonstrate a thorough effort was made to reduce costs incurred by the College of Music will be more likely to be approved.
  • Proposals that demonstrate advanced preparation of an audience and advance advertising of the guest appearance will be more likely to be approved.
  • When economically feasible, it is the intention of the committee to represent more rather than fewer areas of the College of Music through the funding of visiting artist and lecturer proposals.