Endowed Scholarship to Support Horn Students

A love of music and a passion for helping people – that’s why Thomas Luccock, MSU’s director of Internal Audit and Advisory Cabinet member for the All University Campaign, and his wife, Catherine, established the Thomas and Catherine Luccock Endowed Scholarship in French Horn.

Tom and Cathy both have an abiding interest in music. Tom played the French horn for 10 years during his primary and secondary education years. Besides solos in state contests he also was a member of the All-State Orchestra in high school and the Norman, Oklahoma Junior Symphony. Cathy plays the harp and both Cathy and Tom play the piano. Tom’s mother was a music major at the University of Oklahoma, where Tom established an endowed scholarship in piano in his mother’s name.

“We enjoy helping people so we knew we wanted to establish another endowed scholarship at MSU; we were just looking for the right fit.” In 2009, the Luccocks established a current-use scholarship in the Broad College of Business to support students in Internal Audit. After several years of funding scholarships to deserving students, the Luccocks decided to endow the Thomas N. Luccock Audit Scholarship Endowment. Tom explained, “We know the fine arts have a real need for funding. Cathy and I value the importance of a liberal arts education.”  So, when Tom and Cathy were considering their next gift to MSU, the College of Music was a great fit. Tom and Cathy hope their endowed scholarship in French horn can help alleviate some of the costs of a college education for individuals who want to continue to pursue an interest and talent in French horn.

“This commitment from the Luccocks supports talented and worthy students and helps us build ever stronger academic and music performance programs,” said James Forger, dean of the College of Music. “We are grateful to Tom and Cathy for their leadership.”

Always thinking of ways to help more students and promote the message about supporting MSU, Tom shared, “Music is a vital part of all of our lives. Cathy and I encourage others to help students pursue their talents. The College of Music was great to work with in establishing this scholarship by providing appropriate and timely advice on the process.” 

Should you wish to learn more about establishing a named endowed scholarship in the College of Music, please contact Director of Development Rebecca Surian at surian@msu.edu or at 517-353-9872.

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