Bells will be ringing

New artist to carry on a beloved campus tradition.

The tone and timbre of the bells in MSU's Beaumont Tower make it a remarkable carillon to play, according to new University Carillonist Jonathan Lehrer.
New Michigan State University Carillonist Jonathan Lehrer will begin his new position on August 15, 2022.

While growing up in the suburbs of New York, performing in bell towers all over the world was not part of Jonathan Lehrer’s plans. Today, however, the award-winning musician welcomes the opportunity to experience and help broaden the connection between Beaumont Tower and the Michigan State University community as the next University Carillonist.

Mr. Lehrer is a laureate of many international competitions for carillon, most notably the Queen Fabiola International Carillon Competition, where he also earned the SABAM prize for the best interpretation of Flemish carillon music. He has performed numerous concert tours spanning Europe and North America and has been a frequent guest artist at the annual North American Carillon Congresses. His appointment at MSU begins August 15, 2022.

“For the last 10 years I've been living in Vancouver, Canada,” Lehrer said. “Vancouver has no carillon, so I've had to travel frequently to perform. MSU will be my first university appointment, and I am looking forward to walking to the carillon instead of flying to one!”

Lehrer began studying carillon as a Yale University undergraduate, and his dedication to the instrument has shown at performances and competitions. He won the 2010 International Carillon Competition of the Dutch Carillon Guild, and he is the highest ranked competitor in the International Alexius Julien Competition for baroque music. In 2008, he graduated “with great distinction” from the Royal Carillon School “Jef Denyn” in Belgium, the first and largest carillon school in the world. There, he studied with renowned carillonists Eddy Marien, Geert D'Hollander, and Koen Cosaert.

“Initially it was the tower that sparked my curiosity, but the music soon followed,” Lehrer said. “One great thing about the carillon – or terrible thing, depending on who you ask – is you end up performing publicly quite regularly. This really accelerated my musical development because it encouraged me to go the extra mile in my practice and preparation and do more musically than I perhaps would have if I were just playing for myself in my living room.” 

Back in 2011, Jonathan Lehrer was in New York City for a concert at Riverside Church. He took a moment to sit on the edge of the world's largest carillon bell, Riverside's bourdon (lowest pitched) bell.
Award-winning carillonist Jonathan Lehrer has traveled the world performing and participating in carillon competitions. This photo is from a concert in Laren, Netherlands in 2010.
While a student at Yale University, Jonathan Lehrer was first drawn to the tower but soon found himself enthralled with the bells and carillon.

Practicing the carillon in his living room is actually something Lehrer has done, having built a practice instrument in Vancouver. The history and significance of Beaumont Tower to MSU was part of the appeal of joining the College of Music faculty.

“I was attracted to the opportunity to contribute to art and place-making in a large and vibrant community like MSU's. I have served some great communities but none at this scale before, and I think that opens up many possibilities. The instrument is a big draw, too. It's such a beautiful example of a carillon,” Lehrer said. 

Carillons are not all the same, Lehrer explained. With varying shapes and sizes, each one is different from the next. He considers Beaumont Tower’s carillon as somewhere in the middle in terms of weight, pitch, and number of bells.

“What makes it remarkable is the tone and timbre of the bells,” he said. “It has a particularly beautiful quality to its sound that makes it a joy to play and listen to.”

Which is quite a compliment considering Michigan is home to 14 carillons. 

“Michigan is a great state for carillons. The instruments are in fairly close proximity which means there are lots of opportunities for me and my students to visit other towers, experience other carillons, and exchange knowledge with their carillonists.”

Lehrer said that one of his goals will be to cultivate MSU's "guild of carillonists.” To do so, he will offer lessons for MSU students and community members as well as plan several activities.

“I hope to create opportunities for the students and community to come together and learn from one another. We can visit other local instruments and carillon associations, have concerts and master classes with world-class performers and instructors, and generally engage with the larger global carillon community,” he said. “I can also connect students to learning opportunities for those who wish to study carillon history, the mechanics and acoustics of the instrument, or other obscure but fascinating subjects.”

As a soloist, Lehrer points out that there is a lot he can do individually including performances, tours, and celebrating important occasions. He believes it is the community, however, that will make the carillon experience special.

“My hope is to preserve and deepen the connection between the MSU community and the carillon and to make sure it is a beloved and memorable part of the campus experience,” Lehrer said. “Plus, being part of a thriving group of carillon performers has been a highlight of my and so many of my colleagues' time in university. I'd like to make that opportunity available to more folks here at MSU.”

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