1.         Schedule. During the Fall semester of the academic year preceding elections, the Dean of the College of Music shall announce a meeting of the full faculty to be held in the Spring of that academic year at which voting for all standing committee nominations and elections of the College shall occur.


1.2       Selection of the nominees to be chosen by each division.

1.2.1    One month prior to the scheduled election date, the Elections Officer shall post written announcements and distribute to the faculty of each of the two Divisions, Performance and Academic, a list of all faculty in their division eligible to serve on the Advisory Committee, Graduate Committee, and Undergraduate Committee.

1.2.2    Any faculty member listed as eligible to serve who prefers not to appear on the nomination ballot must so notify the Elections Officer no later than one week before the scheduled election date. The Elections Officer will then post or distribute, for each division, a list of those eligible and willing to serve as well as a list of those who have already been elected to serve for the following academic year.

1.2.3    On the day scheduled for the nomination balloting, faculty members will obtain nomination ballots from the Assistant to the Dean or other designated person.

1.2.4    Faculty members within each division shall vote by marking the names of three persons for nomination within their division.   Ballots having more than three nominations will not be valid. Ballots shall be obtained by faculty members, voted upon, and returned to the Assistant to the Dean or other designated person on the same day.

1.2.5    The four persons in each division who receive the highest vote in the nomination ballot shall be the nominees for election to the Advisory Committee. (A runoff will be held if necessary to resolve a tied vote for fourth place.)

1.2.6    The slate of nominees from each division will be posted in writing by the Elections Officer at least three business days prior to the meeting.  The Elections Officer shall also post a list of all faculty eligible for the At-Large position on the Advisory Committee, for the Graduate Committee, and for the Undergraduate Committee.

1.3       Election of a member from each divisional slate.

1.3.1    At an election meeting presided over by the Dean of the College of Music, a secret paper ballot or personal electronic voting device will be provided to each faculty member showing the slate of four nominees for the position on the Advisory Committee that is to be filled from each of the two Divisions, Performance and Academic. Each member of the faculty votes for ONE candidate from each division.

1.3.2    In order to be valid, ballots must be returned by the designated time and must have no more than one name marked for each position to be filled. A secret paper ballot or personal electronic voting device is used to elect representatives of each Division.

1.3.3    For each position, election must be by a majority of the valid ballots casting a vote for that position. If for either position no candidate receives a majority vote, a runoff will be held for that position between those two candidates receiving the highest vote totals. Election in a runoff ballot shall be by a majority of the valid ballots cast in the runoff.

1.4       Selection of nominees to be chosen at large.

1.4.1    After the new member of the Advisory Committee to be chosen from each Division has been elected as provided above, the Elections Officer will display a list of all those faculty who remain eligible and willing to serve on the Advisory Committee. This will be the basis of the nomination ballot for the Advisory Committee position to be filled at large.

1.4.2    The Dean takes nominations from the floor for the At-Large position.

1.4.3    Once the nominations are closed, the Elections Officer prepares the ballot.

1.4.4    A secret paper ballot or personal electronic voting device is used to elect the At-Large representative. Each member of the faculty will vote for one candidate.  If necessary a run-off ballot is held in the case that no single candidate receives a majority vote. Faculty who cannot attend the meeting may submit a proxy vote for positions on the Advisory Committee in writing to the Dean. It must be signed and should contain a list of candidates ranked from lowest to highest for each candidate the person would like to vote for. If a candidate withdraws or is ineligible, the proxy vote will automatically be cast for the person in the next lower position in the ranking submitted for that position. Persons who do not want to be nominated must withdraw their name before the faculty meeting.

1.4.5    The results of the vote are announced and recorded.


1.5       In case of an Advisory Committee vacancy, a replacement member shall be selected as follows:

1.5.1    If a vacant position is that of an elected faculty committee member, a permanent replacement shall be elected at a special election during the first faculty meeting of the year for all anticipated replacements for Advisory Committee and Faculty Evaluation Committee for the semester or year depending on the length of their absence.  In the case of an emergency, the Advisory Committee can choose a temporary replacement to serve until a special election can be called.

1.5.2    The Faculty Evaluation Committee shall consist of all eligible voting members of the Advisory Committee, except student members and faculty members who are being considered for reappointment, tenure, or promotion, or whose rank does not allow him or her to serve for part or all of the Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure evaluation process.

1.5.3    When a member of the Advisory Committee cannot serve on the Faculty Evaluation Committee, a replacement shall be elected as provided in sec. in the College of Music Bylaws, maintaining divisional representation.



1.6.1    The Elections Officer shall provide a list of the faculty members who have already been elected to serve on the Graduate Committee in the previous academic year.

1.6.2    The Dean takes nominations from the floor to fill open positions as area representatives on the Graduate Committee.

1.6.3    Once the nominations are closed, the Elections Officer prepares the ballot. A secret paper ballot or personal electronic voting device is used to elect area representatives as detailed in section 4.3 of the College of Music Bylaws. Each member of the designated areas votes for one candidate.  If necessary a run-off ballot is held in the case that no single candidate receives a majority vote.

            1.6.4    The results of the vote are announced and recorded.

1.6.5    The Dean takes nominations from the floor for the At-Large position.

1.6.6    The Dean reconvenes the meeting and a secret paper ballot or personal electronic device is used to elect the At-Large Position.

1.6.7    The results of the voting are announced and recorded.


1.7.1    The Elections Officer shall provide a list of the faculty members who have already been elected to serve on the Undergraduate Committee in the previous academic year.

1.7.2    The Dean takes nominations from the floor to fill open positions as area representatives on the Undergraduate Committee.

1.7.3    Once the nominations are closed, the Elections Officer prepares the ballot. A secret paper ballot or personal electronic voting device is used to elect area representatives as detailed in section 4.3 of the College of Music Bylaws. Each member of the designated areas votes for one candidate.  If necessary a run-off ballot is held in the case that no single candidate receives a majority vote.

1.7.4    The results of the vote are announced and recorded.

1.7.5    The Dean takes nominations from the floor for the At-Large position.

1.7.6    The Dean reconvenes the meeting and a secret paper ballot or personal electronic device is used to elect the At-Large Position.

1.7.7    The results of the voting are announced and recorded.

1.7.8    After all voting is completed, a summary record of all voting and the results shall be prepared by the Elections Officer and posted in writing for all the faculty.

1.7.9    For  the elections held to implement these procedures for the first time, four candidates from each decision will be submitted. The first ballot will determine the representatives for the two-year terms; a subsequent vote will determine the representative for the one-year term. In the first year, all candidates who wish to be eligible are, regardless of previous service on standing committees. The position in the first year shall be for the following time periods in order to ensure the mandated rotation:

Advisory Committee: 2 Performance 1-2 yr. term 1-1 yr. term
2 Academic 1-2 yr. term 1-1 yr. term
1 At-Large 1 yr. (Performance Area)

Graduate Committee: 2 Performance 1-3 yr. term 1-2 yr. term
1 Comp/Theory 2-3 yr. term
1 Ed/Musicology 1-2 yr. term
1 At-Large 1 yr. (Performance Area)

Undergraduate Committee: 2 Performance 1-3 yr. term 1-2 yr. term
1 Comp/Theory 2-3 yr. term
1 Ed/Musicology 1-2 yr. term
1 At-Large 1 yr. (Performance Area)


1.8       Schedule: The Dean of the College of Music calls and presides over a special election during the spring semester, but prior to March 15, for the election of faculty representatives to University committees.

1.8.1    At least two weeks prior to the election, the Dean will notify faculty of expected openings and meeting times for university committees and will gather the names of interested individuals for all open positions.  At the special election, the Dean will present the slate of nominees and will take additional nominations from the floor to fill open positions on each University committee.

              1.8.2    Once the nominations are closed, the Elections Officer prepares the ballot.

1.8.3    The Dean calls for a secret paper ballot or personal electronic device to be used to elect the faculty representatives. Faculty representatives to University committees must be elected by a majority of those voting at the spring election meeting.

1.8.4    The results of the voting are announced and recorded.

1.8.5    If the election process fails to produce representation on all of the standing University committees, the Dean, in consultation with the Advisory Committee, will identify and appoint representatives.


1.9       Schedule: During the spring faculty election, the Dean of the College of Music will preside over the election of the Faculty Elections Officer, the Secretary, and the Parliamentarian.  The Elections Officer, Secretary, and Parliamentarian shall serve three-year terms and may be elected to consecutive terms.   The Elections Officer is not eligible to serve as Secretary or Parliamentarian.

1.9.1    At least two weeks prior to the election, the Dean will notify faculty of expected openings for Elections Officer, Secretary, and Parliamentarian and will gather the names of interested individuals for these positions.  At the election, the Dean will present the slate of nominees and will take additional nominations from the floor to fill these positions.

              1.9.2    Once the nominations are closed, the Elections Officer prepares the ballot.

1.9.3    The Dean calls for a secret paper ballot or personal electronic device to be used to elect the Faculty Elections Officer, Secretary, and Parliamentarian.  The Faculty Elections Officer, Secretary, and Parliamentarian must be elected by a majority of those voting at the spring election meeting.

1.9.4    The results of the voting are announced and recorded.

1.9.5    If the election process fails to fill these positions, the Dean, in consultation with the Advisory Committee, will identify and appoint faculty members to serve.


2.         The College of Music Elections Officer shall conduct all ballots of the faculty, including those for election to College of Music standing committees, the College of Music Faculty Evaluation Commitee, and University committees, as well as any special ballots as detailed in Section One.

2.1       The Elections Officer shall be responsible for adherence to the College of Music Bylaws and Procedures in the conduct of elections, especially with regard to identifying faculty eligible to serve on specific committees in a given year and those faculty eligible to vote for specific committee positions.

2.2       Procedures for Conducting a Mail Ballot

2.2.1    Whenever there is to be a mail ballot on a motion or other issue, the Elections Officer shall prepare a Call for Ballots and distribute it to each voting member of the faculty.

2.2.2    The Call for Ballots will state the motion or other issue being voted upon, including alternative proposals where appropriate, and will either include a copy of the minutes of the relevant faculty meeting, or will refer the faculty to specific dated minutes if the minutes have already been distributed.

2.2.3    The Call for Ballots will give the days, hours, location of voting and will include all the information needed to cast a valid ballot.

2.2.4    Except as otherwise provided in the Procedures for election of members to standing committees, voting will take place between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 12:00 noon, and between 1:00 P.M. and 5:00 P.M. on three consecutive weekdays.

2.2.5    The elections officer will prepare the actual ballot and deposit the appropriate number of copies with the College of Music Assistant to the Dean in an envelope with a list of those eligible to vote.

2.2.6    Members of the voting faculty will cast ballots by initialing the eligibility list by their own name, obtaining a ballot from the Assistant to the Dean or his or her designee, and immediately returning the marked ballot to the envelope.

2.2.7    If the College of Music Assistant to the Dean must be absent during a mail ballot, he or she will designate a member of the office staff to receive ballots. The College of Music Assistant to the Dean will instruct his or her designee in the appropriate procedures for receiving ballots.

2.2.8    It is the duty of each member of the faculty to vote.

2.2.9    Ballots are counted by the Elections Committee, consisting of the Elections Officer, the Secretary, the Parliamentarian, and the Chairperson of the Advisory Committee.

2.2.10  The College of Music Assistant to the Dean or Dean’s designee and/or members of the Elections Committee may contact individual members of the faculty to remind them to vote.

2.2.11  Action may be taken by a majority vote of the valid ballots cast if a quorum of the faculty participates in a mail ballot, except in cases that require more than a majority.

2.2.12  Unless otherwise directed by the faculty, the Elections Committee will announce the number of faculty who voted and the total number of votes for each alternative presented in a mail ballot.


3.1       Purpose. This statement of procedure provides for an orderly process to assist members of the faculty concerning reappointment, the award of tenure, and promotion within the College of Music at Michigan State University.

3.1.1    The procedures are intended to protect the integrity of these recommendations and to provide for due process and academic freedom. This statement provides details concerning the application of relevant provisions of the College of Music Bylaws, and it is subordinate to those Bylaws.

3.1.2    The College ensures that each person in the tenure system below the rank of Professor has adequate notice of all policies and procedures that govern reappointment, award of tenure, and promotion.

3.1.3    Shortly after a newly appointed faculty member begins employment, that person will be given copies of all relevant statements of policy and procedure.  This will be done in a manner that ensures that the materials have been received and their significance noted.  During the first month of the faculty member’s appointment, the Dean will confer with the new appointee to confirm that the materials have been received, to urge that they be read, and to offer to discuss them with the faculty member.  The Dean will endeavor to ensure that his/her statements are fully in accord with the written policies and procedures, but will remind the candidates for reappointment, award of tenure, and promotion that it is the officially adopted written statements of policy and procedure for the College and University that are binding.

3.1.4    A complete set of the written statements of policy and procedure relevant to reappointment, award of tenure, and promotion will be maintained in the College of Music Dean’s Office and kept available for faculty reference. This material will also be available on the College of Music website. From time to time faculty will be reminded of the availability of this reference information.

3.1.5    Untenured faculty members will be assigned a faculty mentor. The faculty mentor will be expected to, among other things, provide helpful counsel to their assigned faculty mentee as they negotiate the reappointment, tenure, and promotion process.

3.1.6    No later than the month of March prior to the due date of the materials for a review for reappointment or the award of tenure, the Dean will write the faculty member of the need to note and to follow the applicable policies and procedures, and shall offer to confer.  This will be done in a manner that ensures that the letter has been received and its significance noted.

3.1.7    If the Dean becomes aware, through the annual merit review of faculty or by other means, that the effectiveness or achievement of a probationary faculty member as to any relevant criterion may be such that it clearly would not meet unit standards for reappointment or the award of tenure, the Dean will bring this situation to the attention of the faculty member in their annual letter of review.  Candidates must be aware, though, that the fundamental responsibility for monitoring their own effectiveness and achievement is theirs.  Thus a faculty member who has not been notified of possibly deficient performance must not take this as an indication that his/her level of performance will necessarily meet the applicable standards.  Since the most thorough review of candidates occurs only at the time of the formal review for reappointment, award of tenure, and promotion, the outcome of this review cannot be predicted prior to the event.

3.1.8    Faculty who hold tenure but are below the rank of Professor will be reminded from time to time of the written statements of policy and procedure relevant to promotion.

3.2       Good Faith.   Everyone involved in the reappointment, tenure, and promotion process (candidates, referees, faculty evaluation committee, and administrators) must prepare, deliberate and act in good faith.

3.2.1    A candidate must furnish relevant information and documentation that is accurate and complete.

3.2.2    Referees (internal and external evaluators) have the duty to strive to be objective, to give an accurate account, to make judgments based only on professionally relevant criteria, and to speak or write from a position of knowledge and authority.

3.2.3    Those making the evaluation must be aware of the relevant written statements of policy and procedure and must attempt to apply them fairly in each case.  They must make their judgments after careful review of the available evidence and careful consideration of it, and based exclusively on professionally relevant criteria and not on any extraneous factors.  They must keep all aspects of the evidence and their deliberations in the strictest confidence.

3.3       Timeline. There is a specific timeline for each stage of the reappointment, tenure, and promotion process to which faculty members must adhere. The College of Music Dean’s Office will make available a detailed timeline, and distribute it in printed form as well as post it on the College of Music website.

3.4       Evidence. As provided in the Bylaws, candidates must submit evidence necessary to the evaluation process.

3.4.1    The Dean shall prompt persons eligible for consideration for reappointment, award of tenure, and/or promotion to submit evidence according to the time line specified in 3.3, and shall remind them in a timely fashion of the need to assemble and prepare this evidence.

3.4.2    Each candidate must submit the following:

A. An up-to-date, extended Curriculum Vitae.

B. A Reflective Statement of 5 pages or less.

C. Evidence of sustained effectiveness and/or achievement for the applicable criteria as listed in the Bylaws.
This evidence should include credentials cited in the College of Music and University Bylaws and such other evidence as may be relevant.  Candidates must be aware that the burden of providing a complete and persuasive file of evidence is theirs.

D.  A properly completed MSU Recommendation for Tenure or Promotion Action form (Form D). (This form is the shared responsibility of the Dean’s office and the candidate).

3.4.3    The Dean shall share the merit evaluation received in each annual merit salary review (control figures, merit pay increases, and merit ranking) with the Faculty Evaluation Committee.  The candidate’s initial letter of appointment will be shared with the evaluation committee as part of the evidence to be considered.

3.4.4    The Dean shall provide a complete record of all of the Student Instructional Ratings Forms for the last six years, or all available forms if the review period is less than six years.

3.4.5    The Dean will gather evidence concerning each candidate’s level of effectiveness and quality of achievement by appropriate means, such as by communicating with present and former students, Associate Deans, Area Chairs (including the relevant Area Chair), colleagues within the area, other unit colleagues, other colleagues at MSU, and authoritative and knowledgeable persons in the profession and/or community.  In gathering this evidence, the Dean will receive and consider the advice of experts in the same area as the candidate regarding what persons might be appropriate referees.  In individual cases and for appropriate reasons, evidence from referees external to the unit or to the University may be considered important.   The Dean may serve as a reference for the committee, and respond to questions posed by any committee member based on this evidence.

3.4.6    For reappointment cases, the Dean will solicit letters of evaluation from all members of the candidate’s area who are of greater rank than the candidate. If there are less than three such faculty in the area, the Dean will solicit letters from one or more members of a closely aligned area to ensure that there are at least three letters. In the case of faculty from the performance division, the Dean will also solicit letters of evaluation from the appropriate ensemble directors who are of greater rank than the candidate.  Similarly, in the case of conducting faculty, the Dean will also solicit letters of evaluation from the appropriate performance division faculty who are of greater rank than the candidate.

3.4.7    For tenure and promotion cases, the Dean will solicit letters from internal referees (as in 3.4.6) and also will solicit letters from at least four external referees. The candidate must submit a list of four potential referees, and half of the requested external letters of review must come from referees on this list.  The candidate may also submit a list of potential referees from whom they would prefer not to solicit a letter of evaluation.

3.5       Evaluation.  Candidates will be evaluated by the Faculty Evaluation Committee according to these procedures, the Bylaws of the College, and other applicable written policies and procedures of the College and University.

3.5.1    The entire committee must be present for all deliberations.

3.5.2    Each candidate will be individually reviewed, discussed, and evaluated. 
The evaluation criteria must conform to the Bylaws and judgments must be made in good faith.

3.5.3    The committee must be alert to negative evidence which may arise from differences in style, methodology, or opinion, and will endeavor to distinguish work which is controversial from that which lacks merit.

3.5.4    The Dean will maintain a record of the vote and a summary of the result of the deliberations in each case.  If a committee recommendation is negative, the Dean will ascertain the committee’s rationale and will endeavor to confirm that the recommendation is being rendered in good faith.

3.5.5    As provided in the Bylaws, candidates will have the opportunity to confer with the evaluation committee prior to its decision. Candidates will receive written notice of the opportunity to meet with the Faculty Evaluation Committee at least one week prior to the date of the intended meeting.

3.6       Decision. The Dean will give careful consideration to the recommendation of the Faculty Evaluation Committee and to the evidence, and will make her or his recommendation to the representatives of the office of the Provost for Academic Human Resources. The Dean also will promptly inform each candidate privately, in writing, of the nature of this recommendation.


4.1       Prior to the end of the Fall Semester, the Dean will distribute Faculty Information Forms.  By the end of the first month of classes in the Spring Semester, each faculty member will submit to the College Dean a completed College of Music Faculty Information Form and any other materials he or she deems appropriate as evidence of professional achievement and growth. (The Faculty Information Form will cover activities during the previous calendar year.)

4.2       Criteria for evaluation for merit salary increases shall be the same as those for reappointment promotion and tenure as described under sections 4.2.1 and of the College’s  Bylaws.

4.3       The Dean will meet with the Faculty Advisory Committee without the student members to explain the merit pay process.  At this time, the Dean will provide a written description of the merit pay process and copies of the forms they will use to rate the faculty.

4.4       Following the meeting with the Dean, each member of the Faculty Advisory Committee (as described under sections 4.2.1 and of the College’s Bylaws) and the Dean will read all materials submitted, and the faculty members of the committee will rate each person based on a scale of 1 to 5 for quality of instruction, research/scholarship/creative activity, and service. A rating of 1 will indicate the strongest performance, a rating of 3 will indicate average performance, and a rating of 5 will indicate the weakest performance in meeting all assigned responsibilities. (Faculty members will not rate themselves or their spouses.)  Members of the Faculty Advisory Committee will be encouraged to use the entire range of the scale and to have an average of approximately 3 across all faculty in each category.

4.5       Each committee member will submit a signed and dated list showing his/her preliminary merit ratings of each faculty member to the College Dean or designee, who will compile a single list showing all of the ratings given each member of the faculty except the Faculty Advisory Committee members and their spouses. This list will not identify which committee member provided any of the ratings.

4.6       At a meeting of the committee and the College Dean, the name of each facultymember will be introduced, followed by an opportunity for committee members to share information about the individual that was not evident in his or her materials or to raise questions that were not answered in them. Each committee member will leave the room when he or she or his or her spouse is being discussed.

4.7       Following this discussion, committee members will make their final ratings of each faculty member and will give a signed list of these final ratings to the College Dean (except that committee members will not rate themselves or their spouses). This will be done in such a way that only the College Dean will know the final ratings made by committee members and the final composite ratings for individual faculty members. This is to assure that committee members are without knowledge of the ratings and cannot be expected to provide such information to faculty members who might inquire. The Dean will consider these final ratings as the formal advice of the committee.

4.8       A record of the final committee recommendations will be kept as confidential information by the Dean.

4.9       The Dean will recommend salary increases to the Provost for Academic Human Resources and will provide an annual letter of review to each faculty member. 4.10     Each faculty member has the right to request and receive in writing from the Dean, his or her average ratings per section 4.4 given by the committee.

4.11     Each faculty member will receive written notification of his or her merit salary increase. The letter of notification from the Dean also will state the dollar amount available to the College of Music for faculty raises and the average raise expressed as the percentage that was received by all faculty who were not promoted in that year and who did not receive an anomaly adjustment. (Being raised to the minimum salary for one’s rank will be considered an anomaly adjustment).

4.12     If the spouse of the Dean is a faculty member in the College of Music, the performance of that spouse of the Dean is not discussed by the Faculty Evaluation Committee in the presence of the Dean. In that case, the preliminary and final merit ratings for the spouse of the Dean are given directly to the College of Music Budget Director, who provides the composite ratings for Teaching, Creative and Scholarly Activities, Service, and the total average directly to the Chairperson of the Advisory Committee, who then forwards those ratings to the Office of the Provost.  The annual merit recommendation for the spouse of the Dean is determined by the Office of the Provost on the basis of peer review ratings provided by the Advisory Committee as outlined above.  Any market adjustment for the spouse of the Dean does not come from College of Music market funds, and is instead funded by the Office of the Provost.


5.1       GENERAL

5.1.1    This organization shall be known as the Student Advisory Council of the Michigan State University College of Music.

5.1.2    The authority of this document shall be subordinate to those of this University and the College of Music.

5.1.3    The council shall serve as representatives of the Michigan State University College of Music student population

5.1.4    Students of the College of Music shall consist of all undergraduate students who have declared with the registrar a major or major preference in the College of Music and all graduate degree and non-degree candidates of the college.

5.2       MEMBERSHIP

5.2.1    To be eligible for membership on the Student Advisory Council a student must be in good academic standing and be currently enrolled as a full-time student of the College of Music.

5.2.2    The Student Advisory Council shall consist of four (4) undergraduate and four (4) graduate students of the College of Music.

5.2.3    The members of the Student Advisory Council shall be elected by the student population of the College of Music.

5.2.4  All members of the Student Advisory Council shall serve a one (1) year term, and may be re-elected for no more than three (3) consecutive one (1) year terms.

5.2.5    In the event of a vacancy of any of the positions of the Council, the Student Advisory Council shall solicit nominations of interested candidates, and shall appoint an eligible student to complete the year.

5.2.6    The Student Advisory Council shall not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, gender, gender identity, disability status, height, marital status, national origin, political persuasion, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status, weight, or age.

5.3       OFFICERS

5.3.1    General

The Student Advisory Council shall elect officers by majority vote to the offices of Chair, Assistant Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, and Student Editor.

5.3.2    Chair       Shall preside over all meetings of the Student Advisory Council       Shall delegate responsibilities to subcommittees      Shall be a member ex-officio of all subcommittees.       Shall serve as the official spokesperson of the Student Advisory Council.             Shall be responsible for preparing the agenda for meetings.

5.3.3    Assistant Chair       Shall, in the absence of the Chair, assume the responsibilities of the Chair.             Shall assist the Student Editor in the production of the College of Music Newsletter.

              5.3.4    Treasurer             The Treasurer shall control the receipts and disbursements of all Student Advisory Council monies, and shall submit recommendation concerning the financial policies of the committee as may be required.             The Student Advisory Council shall set up a University checking account.             The Student Advisory Council Chair or Treasurer must sign all checks and appropriations for monies disbursed.             Any expenses over fifty (50) dollars shall be approved by the Student Advisory Council at a meeting.             The Treasurer shall work with all subcommittees as financial advisor.             The Treasurer shall be responsible for a report of the financial status of the Student Advisory Council at scheduled meetings.

           5.3.5    Secretary             Shall record the minutes of Student Advisory Council meetings.             Shall be responsible for keeping roll.             Shall be responsible for the presentation of members to be considered for suspension.             Shall be responsible for publicly posting the minutes.

           5.3.6    Student Editor             Shall be responsible for the production of the College of Music newsletter.

5.4       COMMITTEES

5.4.1    The Student Advisory Council shall solicit nominations and vote within the council to elect student members to the College of Music Graduate Committee, Curriculum Committee, Advisory Committee and all other ad hoc committees which deal with student related topics.

5.4.2    Student representatives on these committees shall consist of: two (2) graduate students on the Graduate Committee, two (2) undergraduates on the Curriculum Committee, and one (1) graduate and one (1) undergraduate student on the Advisory Committee.

5.4.3    Election shall be by majority vote of the Student Advisory Council.

5.4.4    Any student of the College of Music shall be eligible to serve as a student member of these committees.

5.4.5    Members of the Student Advisory Council shall be eligible to serve as student members of these committees

5.4.6    All student members of College of Music Committees shall serve a term of one year.

5.4.7    Student members may be re-elected for no more than three (3) consecutive one (1) year terms.

5.4.8    The Student Advisory Council shall solicit nominations and elect replacements to College of Music committees in the event of committee vacancies.
(9) All students serving on the College of Music standing committees shall automatically be voting members of the College of Music meetings except on matters reserved to faculty only by the Bylaws for Academic Governance, Michigan State University 1978, Section 1.2.3.

5.5       MEETINGS

5.5.1    Meetings shall be held at least twice each month, the date and hour to be set at the first meeting of each semester. Weekly meetings are recommended.

5.5.2    Special meetings may be called by the Student Advisory Council Chair on his/her own initiative or at the request of one-third of the membership provided due notice has been given to each member.

5.5.3    At least two (2) times per semester, the Student Advisory Council shall meet with the Dean of the College of Music.

5.5.4    A quorum shall consist of five (5) members.

5.6       ELECTIONS

5.6.1    During the first four (4) weeks of the Spring Semester, the Student Advisory Council shall conduct an election for membership on the Student Advisory Council for the following academic year.

5.6.2    This election shall be made by written ballot.

5.6.3    Nominations shall be made and posted at least one (1) week prior to the election.

5.6.4    Nominees shall be notified at least three (3) days prior to the election so that they may accept or decline the nomination.

5.6.5    The student population of the College of Music shall be publicly notified of the results of the election within twenty-four (24) hours of the close of the election.


5.7.1    Unexcused absences from more than twenty (20) percent of the Student Advisory council meetings during the term constitutes due cause for suspension.

5.7.2    Actions not in the best interest of the Student Advisory Council, as determined by a majority of the committee members, shall constitute due causes for suspension.

5.7.3    A suspended member loses his/her right to vote.

5.7.4    A suspended member may not present a motion.

5.7.5    A suspended member is subject to this Constitution.

5.7.6    A suspended member is expected to return to regular member status within fifteen (15) academic days from the beginning of the suspension period.

5.7.7    Removal from suspension shall be by restitution of the cause for suspension and/or petition by the individual to the Student Advisory Council on or before the fifteenth (15) day of suspension.

5.7.8    Failure to be removed from suspension by the end of fifteen (15) days shall result in expulsion.

5.7.9    An expelled member is no longer eligible for membership on the Student Advisory Council.

5.8       AMENDMENTS

5.8.1    This Constitution may be amended at any regular meeting by a seventy-five (75) percent vote of the regular members present.

5.8.2    Proposed amendments shall be presented in writing at least one (1) meeting prior to the vote.

5.8.3    An amendment, when passed, shall take effect immediately unless otherwise stated in the amendment.