A wide variety of performance opportunities await our students each year, with orchestras, bands, choirs and opera, jazz nonets and combos, small ensembles, and more.
A variety of programs and initiatives operate continuously or annually to enhance learning experiences and help students prepare for their future in music.
The MSU College of Music supports and challenges students, values innovation and creativity, and helps every community member achieve professional excellence.
REQUIRED for students entering Spring 2017 and later.
The Office of the Provost and the Office of the Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies
at MSU require that all programs involved in graduate education develop a Responsible Conduct
of Research (RCR) Training Plan. All academic units at MSU are required to implement RCR
training, as teaching responsible practices in research, scholarship, and creative activities is
fundamental to the integrity of every graduate program.
It is critically important that early career scholars understand that their research/scholarly work
impacts others and contributes to the research/scholarship of others in important ways that may
not always be clear. Research and creative works are supported by public and/or private funding.
These sources trust that new information generated through funding is accurate, true, and
carefully considered. Inaccurate (flawed, incorrect) results can occur from mistakes or chance. In
some instances, individual researchers violate the principles of research integrity by intentionally
misrepresenting their findings (research misconduct).
The College of Music has developed RCR plans for all graduate degrees in music. These are
outlined below. They follow the model developed by the Graduate School and the Office of the
Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies, in consultation with the college associate
deans for graduate education. All graduate students enrolling for the first time in spring 2017 or
thereafter must follow the plans outlined below.
This is now a graduation requirement.
Requirement: 4 CITI online modules and 6 hours of discussion-based training. See below for specific information about fulfilling this requirement.
Tracking of the status of all RCR requirements will be included in each graduate student’s annual evaluation.
At the beginning of year 1, you are required to attend the RCR workshop (1½ hour) held as part of the College of Music Orientation for new graduate students. Tracking will be done by the College of Music Graduate Office.
The remaining hours of discussion-based training will occur during the two required courses in musicology.
By the end of year 1, you are required to complete the following CITI Online Modules:
• Introduction to the Responsible Conduct of Research
• Authorship
• Plagiarism
• Research Misconduct
Completion will be tracked automatically in SABA.
To register for these modules: https://education.msu.edu/research/administration/training/rcr/
Requirement: 4 CITI online modules and 6 hours of discussion-based training. See below for specific information about fulfilling this requirement. Tracking of the status of all RCR requirements will be included in each graduate student’s annual evaluation.
At the beginning of year 1, you are required to attend the RCR workshop (1½ hour) held as part of the College of Music Orientation for new graduate students. Tracking will be done by the College of Music Graduate Office.
By end of year 1, you are required to complete the following CITI Modules:
• Introduction to the Responsible Conduct of Research
• Authorship
• Plagiarism
• Research Misconduct
Completion will be tracked in SABA.
To register for these modules: https://education.msu.edu/research/administration/training/rcr/
The remaining hours of discussion-based training will occur during MUS 864 Research in Music Education or MUS 830 Research Methods and Materials in Music.
Requirement: 4 CITI online modules, 6 hours of discussion-based training, and 3 additional CITI online modules. See below for specific information about fulfilling this requirement.
Tracking of the status of all RCR requirements will be included in each graduate student’s annual evaluation.
At the beginning of year 1, you are required to attend the RCR workshop (1½ hour) held as part of the College of Music Orientation for new graduate students. Tracking will be done by the College of Music Graduate Office.
By end of year 1, you are required to complete the following CITI Modules:
• Introduction to the Responsible Conduct of Research
• Authorship
• Plagiarism
• Research Misconduct
Completion shall be tracked in SABA.
To register for these modules https://ora.msu.edu/CITI-RCR-registration
By the end of year 2 you must complete 3 additional CITI Modules:
• Conflicts of Interest
• Collaborative Research
• Peer Review
Completion will be tracked in SABA.
To register for these modules: https://education.msu.edu/research/administration/training/rcr/
The remaining hours of discussion-based training will occur during MUS 864 Research in Music Education or MUS 830 Research Methods and Materials in Music.
Requirement: 4 CITI online modules, 6 hours of discussion-based training, 3 additional CITI online modules, and 3 hours of annual refresher training beginning in year 3 and for any year
thereafter. See below for specific information about fulfilling this requirement. Tracking of the status of all RCR requirements will be included in each graduate student’s annual evaluation.
At the beginning of year 1, you are required to attend the RCR workshop (1½ hour) held as part of the College of Music Orientation for new graduate students prior to beginning of classes.
Tracking will be done by the College of Music Graduate Office.
By end of year 1, you are required to complete the following CITI Modules:
• Introduction to the Responsible Conduct of Research
• Authorship
• Plagiarism
• Research Misconduct
Completion shall be tracked in SABA.
To register for these modules https://ora.msu.edu/CITI-RCR-registration
The remaining hours of discussion-based training will occur during MUS 864 Research in Music Education or MUS 830 Research Methods and Materials in Music.
By the end of year 2, you must complete 3 additional CITI Modules:
• Conflicts of Interest
• Collaborative Research
• Peer Review
Completion will be tracked in SABA.
To register for these modules: https://education.msu.edu/research/administration/training/rcr/
Beginning in year 3 and including any subsequent years, you must complete 3 hours of refresher training annually. This is accomplished through one-on-one meetings with the faculty advisor of
your dissertation, document, and/or lecture-recital(s). Tracking will be done by the College of Music Graduate Office in consultation with individual faculty.
It is best to have this info sheet available to you as you go through the process.
This should be done NO LATER than October 31 of your first Fall Semester. Failure to complete the courses will result in a hold on the student’s account and/or prevent graduation.