A wide variety of performance opportunities await our students each year, with orchestras, bands, choirs and opera, jazz nonets and combos, small ensembles, and more.
A variety of programs and initiatives operate continuously or annually to enhance learning experiences and help students prepare for their future in music.
The MSU College of Music supports and challenges students, values innovation and creativity, and helps every community member achieve professional excellence.
Acceptance of courses and credits deemed suitable for transfer to MSU is determined by faculty in the department, school, or college responsible for instruction in the subject area. For current course equivalencies, visit: http://transfer.msu.edu. This website is also useful for students wishing to take courses at another institution. It will assist in determining whether a course at that institution will or will not transfer.
MSU students may attend other institutions as Guest Students or Non–matriculated Students for short periods, either during the regular academic year or in the summer, for the purpose of earning credit for transfer to Michigan State University.
Students planning to attend accredited Michigan institutions should use the Michigan Uniform Undergraduate Guest Application form available on the Web at www.reg.msu.edu. Students who wish to attend non–Michigan institutions should obtain application forms from the host institution. The completed form should be taken to the host school.
Credits for courses in which passing grades are earned of any designation less than “C” (2.0), such as C minus (less than 2.0), are not acceptable in transfer. Effective Fall 2006, a minimum of 2.0 must be earned in each course in order for the credit to be transferred to Michigan State University.