Celebrating Diversity

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Equity, inclusion, and fostering a sense of belonging are important hallmarks of the MSU College of Music community. We value diversity and the significant role it plays in helping students develop their creative abilities. 

An active and supportive community

The College of Music at Michigan State University is committed to heightening awareness of social and cultural issues that affect our learning environment. Through cooperative efforts between students, staff, faculty, and leadership, our work in this area uses diverse strategies including a culture of inclusive dialogue, listening, education, engagement, and action. We strive to provide opportunities to empower engagement throughout our community and facilitate conversations on a variety of complex topics. Ultimately, our goal is to promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging, and to appreciate the many benefits these values bring.

A global focus on music

Music bridges cultures and broadens perspectives, and we recognize the power and purpose of international programs that build relationships, create opportunities, and encourage scholarly exchange. Our international focus mirrors that of the university and provides students with exceptional educational and performance programs. 

The international students in the MSU College of Music are valued for the diversity they bring to our community. We work to make international Spartans feel welcome and to address challenges they face. In line with the University’s core values, the college works to enable all members of the community to develop skills and competencies to engage across global differences. We promote and support diversity, equity, inclusion, and internationalization within our college and with our partners abroad. 

Our current programs include:

  • MSU-China Vocal Collaboration
  • Education Abroad programs in Austria, Cuba, Ireland, and Italy