Fast Facts

Numbers at a Glance


  • 2021–2022 Enrollment: 542
  • Undergraduate students: 264
  • Graduate students: 278

Percentage of students:

  • From Michigan: 48%
  • From outside Michigan: 30%
  • From outside the United States: 22%
  • Number of states represented: 38
  • Number of countries represented: 24

Undergraduate Student Satisfaction

100% of graduating undergraduate students were satisfied or very satisfied with the quality of instruction provided in their major areas; 95.8% rated the quality of their overall experience in the College of Music as superior or above average.

Graduate Student Satisfaction

Graduate students: 90.4% of graduating MA, MM, DMA, and PhD students were satisfied or very satisfied with the quality of instruction provided in their major areas; 86.4% rated the quality of their overall experience in the College of Music as superior or above average.

After Graduation

College of Music students have been accepted into the following graduate programs, among others: Carnegie Mellon School of Music, Indiana University, Juilliard School, Eastman School of Music, Manhattan School of Music, New England Conservatory of Music, Peabody Conservatory, San Francisco Conservatory of Music, Santa Fe Opera Apprentice Program, Florida State University, University of Illinois, University of Louisville, University of Colorado, University of Houston, University of Pennsylvania, and University of Texas.

College of Music graduates in music education are transforming the teaching and learning of music in schools throughout the United States. Ninety-seven percent of our graduates in this field have found immediate employment. Placements include school districts in Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, and Texas. Music education graduates also accepted positions in Japan and Korea.

College of Music DMA and PhD graduates have found faculty positions with the following colleges and universities, among others: Alma College, Concordia College, Dakota Wesleyan University, Edinboro State University, Fresno Pacific University, California State University – Fresno, Grand Valley State University, Hillsdale College, Hope College, Ithaca College, Kookmin University (Korea), Kyungwon University (Korea), Kyungsung University (Korea), Madonna University, Mahidol University (Thailand), New York University, Oklahoma State University, Olivet College, Sejong University (Korea), Southeastern Oklahoma State University, Spring Arbor College, Universiti Teknologi MARA (Malaysia), University of Delaware, University of Illinois, University of Minnesota, University of South Florida, Webster University, Western Illinois University, Yangsan College (Korea), and Yeungnam University (Korea).