A wide variety of performance opportunities await our students each year, with orchestras, bands, choirs and opera, jazz nonets and combos, small ensembles, and more.
A variety of programs and initiatives operate continuously or annually to enhance learning experiences and help students prepare for their future in music.
The MSU College of Music supports and challenges students, values innovation and creativity, and helps every community member achieve professional excellence.
The College of Music’s Certificate in College Teaching (CCT) is designed to help prepare graduate students in the College of Music for careers in post-secondary education while enhancing the quality of their teaching at Michigan State. The program includes course work, workshops, seminars and observations of teaching to provide information on the music teaching/learning enterprise, and will be tailored to meet the needs and goals of each participant.
Visit the MSU College of Music Admissions section of the website for more information.
Admissions for CCT